Brilio.net - Bananas are a versatile fruit that can be processed into various types of snacks. Processing bananas into snacks has produced a variety of food products that are in demand by the public. In addition to its delicious taste, bananas have various health benefits for the body.
According to healthline.com, bananas have various benefits such as stabilizing blood sugar levels, facilitating digestion, losing weight, and maintaining heart health. Popular banana products include fried bananas, chocolate bananas, banana bread, and banana chips. Banana chips are a practical snack option to keep at home.
Banana chips can be enjoyed as a companion to activities such as watching movies, reading books, or relaxing with family. Making banana chips can be done independently at home as an alternative to products sold on the market. The challenge in making banana chips is producing an attractive color because often the fried results look pale.
A home-based banana chips entrepreneur named Andre has shared a technique for producing bright yellow banana chips through the TikTok platform. Andre's experience in running a banana chips business has made him understand the right processing techniques. This information is useful for people who want to make quality banana chips.
"So yesterday what you guys saw was pure frying without using any coloring or additives," explained Andre as quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @andredege, Thursday (10/31).
The secret according to Andre is in how to choose the type of banana that will be made into chips. You can use the yellow and white types of kepok bananas. Then, so that the color of the banana chips dish you make is more yellow and attractive, you should increase the portion of yellow kepok bananas compared to white.
photo: TikTok/@andredege
So, after frying, the whole appearance of the banana chips becomes more attractive because the color is not too pale. If you follow the trick shared by Andre, you don't need to bother adding coloring or other ingredients. The taste of the banana chips remains authentic.
photo: TikTok/@andredege
Peeking at the comment column of the upload on the TikTok account @andredege, many netizens are enthusiastic about discussing various things about banana chips. In fact, some netizens also share other tricks for frying banana chips so that the color is more beautiful. This upload has also been watched up to 1,500,000 times.
"If you make banana or cassava chips, do you have to soak them in lime water first to make them crispy ?" asked TikTok @nasipadangpride.
"Give the oil some Blueband...the yellow color is getting better...this is a tip from my mom," said TikTok @DEha.
"Tips on how to peel bananas so they don't get black from the sap," said TikTok @.
"Okay bro, thanks for the tips and information," said TikTok @Chika Resy Oktaviana.
"But some people use red food coloring," added TikTok @Choi's Wife.