foto: Instagram/@mattsfitchef

Make banana chips faster and stay crispy.

  2 September 2024 17:00 - One of the most popular banana dishes is chips. Banana chips are crispy snacks that have a sweet or savory taste. The spices used can be very diverse, making the types of banana chips quite varied.

In terms of its manufacture, these chips are made by thinly slicing unripe bananas. These sliced chips are then soaked in lime water before being ready to be fried. The use of lime is considered to make the chips crispier and free of sap.

But for some people, this process tends to be troublesome and takes more time . Therefore, not a few people then choose to buy ripe banana chips. In fact, there is a simple trick that can be done to make banana chips more practically, quickly, and of course, fail-safe.

This practical banana chips making trick was once shared by a man with the Instagram account @mattsfitchef. Through one of the videos uploaded, this culinary content creator admitted that he did not use lime water. However, there is one additional ingredient used to make the banana texture crispier and the color does not turn black.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @mattsfitchef on Sunday (1/9), the additional ingredient used is lemon water. Basically, lemon water can help in the drying process of bananas when cooked, thus making the texture of the chips crispier. On the other hand, the acid content in lemon water inhibits the oxidation process, so that the banana slices remain bright yellow, even after being cooked.

Meanwhile, the process of processing the chips is also not done by frying. The Instagram user chose to dry the bananas in the oven. Even so, the final result of the banana chips remains yellow and crispy as when fried.

To be more precise, prepare half-ripe bananas. Signs of half-ripe bananas usually have yellow skin and sweet flesh, but the texture is not soft. This condition of the banana will produce sweet and crispy chips.

This man has a trick for making banana chips  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mattsfitchef

After that, slice the bananas into small pieces, about 1/8 inch. If they are thinner, the baked chips will easily burn before they are cooked. On the other hand, if they are too thick, the chips can be tough and not crispy. Even if they can be cooked, the inside of the chips is usually still raw.

This man has a trick for making banana chips  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mattsfitchef

Next, preheat the oven to 95C and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then arrange the banana slices on the baking sheet. Then brush the top of the banana with lemon juice. Once done, bake the banana for 1 hour. After 1 hour, turn the banana over and bake for another 30 minutes.

This man has a trick for making banana chips  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@mattsfitchef

Well, these oven-baked banana chips can be left to cool first. Once cool, the banana chips will be crispier and denser. That way, you can eat the banana chips directly or you can also add various flavors, such as sugar or flavorings.

This upload about the trick of making banana chips has been viewed more than 14 million times on Instagram. It is no wonder that many netizens are interested and also provide direct responses in the comments column. Most of these Instagram users admitted that they were interested in trying the trick directly.

" I will try this ," replied Instagram @izzyskitchen_.

" I did not know this! But so going to try it (I never knew this method. But I will try it)," said Instagram @brisbanefoodlovers.

" no way! Have to try this would have thought you'd need loads of oil (no way! Have to try this would have thought you'd need loads of oil)," said Instagram @stevie_sharing_vegan.

" MMMMMM, I am gonna have to try this ," wrote the Instagram account @kitkatsplatkg.

" Amazing idea thanks! (brilliant idea, thank you)," commented the Instagram account @holistischgesundglutenfrei.
