The finished knife can be utilized optimally for cooking purposes.

  22 Mei 2024 17:00 - A sharp knife certainly makes the cooking process more effective and efficient. However, due to frequent use, the knife is at risk of becoming dull. If it's like this, the knife cannot be used optimally.

Knowing this, a number of people deliberately rub the knife blade with the surface of a stone. The goal is to erode the blade so that it is sharp again. These knife sharpening stones are usually sold on the market in various sizes.

But there's no need to worry if you haven't had time to buy a knife sharpening stone. A YouTube user TUKANG AB showed another way to sharpen a knife that is already dull. Instead of using a sharpening stone, this netizen relies on one type of plant, you know.

How to sharpen a dull knife.

The first step, heat the blade with fire. Instead of placing it on the stove , this netizen was seen directing the torch flame to the blade of the knife.

"Move it around so that the entire surface of the blade becomes evenly hot," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube TUKANG AB on Wednesday (22/5).

sharpen a knife using a banana stem  2024

photo: YouTube/TUKANG AB

If you feel the blade is evenly hot, turn off the torch. Prepare one type of plant, namely banana stems. Place the banana stem on a table or hard surface. Once done, gently insert the knife into the stem of the banana.

sharpen a knife using a banana stem  2024

photo: YouTube/TUKANG AB

The process of stabbing a banana stem is considered sufficient to sharpen the blade. The reason is, the hot knife blade is directly inserted into the watery banana stem and the temperature is cold.

Leave it for a few moments until the blade cools. Once done, slowly pull out the knife so it doesn't hit your hand.

sharpen a knife using a banana stem  2024

photo: YouTube/TUKANG AB

Without needing any further rubbing, the knife is sharp as new. This was proven when netizens used a knife to cut paper.

"The results are really sharp, yes," said the owner of the video.

sharpen a knife using a banana stem  2024

photo: YouTube/TUKANG AB

This video belonging to YouTube user TUKANG AB immediately caught the attention of netizens. Since it was uploaded in July 2023, the video has been watched 437,000 times and liked by 2 thousand other YouTube accounts. Apart from that, the comments column is also filled with responses from netizens.

"You can try this with whatever tools you can to control your anxiety," wrote the DIYShare YouTube account.

"Yech really can, can be sharp.... thank you sir for the info :) greetings," said the YouTube account deqatone8770ash.

How to keep knives from rusting.

To keep your knife from rusting, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Wash with soap and water.

After use, wash the knife with soap and warm water to remove dirt and food debris. Make sure to clean all parts of the knife, including the handle and joints.

2. Dry with a towel.

After washing, dry the knife with a dry towel. Make sure to dry all parts of the knife thoroughly, especially parts that are susceptible to moisture.

3. Avoid soaking in water.

Do not soak the knife in water for a long time. This can cause the knife to rust, especially if the knife is made of high carbon steel.

4. Store knives properly.

Store the knife in a dry and well-ventilated place. Use a knife block, knife magnet, or special drawer to store knives to avoid humidity.

5. Use lubricant.

For knives that are prone to rust or folding knives, use a lubricant such as mineral oil periodically to protect the surface from corrosion.

By keeping knives clean, dry, and protected from moisture, you can prevent rust and extend the knife's useful life.
