
The food that was left behind was accidentally forgotten and ended up burning because I was so busy doing other activities.

  21 Mei 2024 11:00

Brilio.net - While cooking, it is not uncommon for a number of people to also choose to do other activities. Especially if the cooking process takes a relatively long time, such as processing meat, covering free-range chicken, boiling eggs, and so on. If combined with other activities such as cleaning or watching TV, it automatically won't make you bored.

However, there are times when the food that is being left behind is accidentally forgotten and it ends up burning because we are so busy doing other activities. As a result, the food burns and the bottom of the pan turns black because it has been exposed to heat from the stove for too long.

The bottom of a pan that has already been burnt is very difficult to shine again. One trick, you can clean it with a sprinkle of baking soda. This cake raising agent is known to be abrasive, so it is effective in removing stubborn burnt stains.

However, unlike the mothers on the TikTok account @ranthis25, he admits that he has other tricks that are much more effective. After investigating, even though he doesn't use baking soda, he has other kitchen ingredients that can also be used to remove burnt stains on the bottom of the pan .

"I have tried various methods, the most effective is this method," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @ranthis25 on Tuesday (21/5).

The trick for mothers to get rid of burnt stains on the bottom of the pan is just to add 1 kitchen ingredient.

The first step that must be taken is to pour clean water into the pan you want to clean. Make sure the amount of water is slightly more than the burnt part at the bottom of the pan. Then add 1 packet of citrus or citric acid.

Also add enough dish soap. Yup, dishwashing soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick to get rid of burnt stains on the bottom of the pan. Then, boil the pan until the water boils.

Mother's tricks to get rid of burnt spots on the bottom of the pan  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ranthis25

After boiling, turn off the stove and let it sit for a few moments until the water in the pan is no longer too hot. Then rub the bottom of the pan with wire wool or a brush until all the burnt spots are gone.

Finally, when the bottom of the pan is free from burnt spots, just rinse and dry the pan before using it again. Wow, the results are much cleaner, right?

Mother's tricks to get rid of burnt spots on the bottom of the pan  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@ranthis25

So, are you interested in trying this trick to get rid of burnt stains on the bottom of a pan like this at home? Taking a peek at @ranthis25's TikTok upload, even though there aren't many comments from other netizens, this video has received enthusiasm from more than 1,000 viewers, you know.


Cleaning a burnt pan is easy with this method

original sound - Ranthis25

Tips for caring for pans so they don't rust easily.

Caring for pans so they don't rust easily requires attention to several important things. Here are some tips that can help keep your pans in good condition and free from rust.

1. Clean properly.

- After use, wash the pan with soap and warm water. Avoid using soap that is too harsh or abrasive which can damage the protective layer of the pan.
- Use a soft sponge or nylon brush to clean. Avoid using sharp or rough objects that can scratch the surface of the pan.

2. Dry thoroughly.

- Make sure the pan is completely dry before storing. The remaining water can cause rust. Use a clean rag to dry it or let it air dry in the open.

3. Use oil.

- For iron or steel pans, apply a thin layer of cooking oil or olive oil after the pan is dry. This will help prevent oxidation that causes rust.

4. Store in a dry place.

- Store the pot in a dry and not damp place. If possible, use a pot cover or cloth to protect it from dust and moisture.

5. Use salt and vinegar to clean rust.

- If rust has started to appear, a mixture of salt and vinegar can be used to clean it. Apply this mixture to the rusty area and rub with a soft sponge, then rinse and dry.

6. Use baking soda.

- Baking soda is also effective for removing light rust. Make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the rusty area, leave it for a few moments, then rub with a sponge and rinse until clean.

7. Avoid soaking the pan for too long.

- Do not let the pan soak in water for too long because this can speed up the corrosion process, especially for pans made of iron or steel.

8. Pay attention to the type of food being cooked.

- Some acidic foods such as tomatoes or vinegar can speed up the rusting process. If cooking these ingredients, be sure to wash and dry the pan immediately after use.

9. Special care for coated pans.

- For pans that have a stainless steel or non-stick coating, follow the manufacturer's care instructions. Avoid using metal cooking utensils which can damage the coating.
