YouTube/RIYADI family

Plastic trays are usually not sturdy enough, so if they are accidentally hit, they can break or crack.

  21 Mei 2024 21:00 - Trays can be used as a base or a place to move dishes. Especially when guests come to the house, a tray is very helpful for carrying several glasses of drinks at one time. Usually, plastic trays are the most popular , because they are light and easy to clean.

However, plastic trays are usually not sturdy enough, so when accidentally bumped, this tool can break or crack. If it is already cracked or damaged, the tray cannot be used anymore. When the tray is damaged, many people choose to patch the broken part with duct tape.

Well, unlike YouTube user RIYADI family, this man admitted that he didn't need duct tape at all to repair a broken tray. He admitted that he had a trick to repair a broken tray using one kitchen ingredient.

"Guaranteed to be sticky and strong," he wrote in the RIYADI family YouTube upload, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (15/5).

The trick to repairing a broken tray is simply adding 1 kitchen ingredient.

The first step that must be prepared is baking soda. Yup, baking soda is the main kitchen ingredient to practice this trick to repair a broken tray. Sprinkle the broken part of the tray with baking soda, then drip Korean glue.

Not duct tape, this is a trick to repair a broken tray  YouTube

photo: YouTube/RIYADI family

Then tidy up the baking soda and Korean glue so that the broken part is tight again. The owner of the YouTube account RIYADI family explained that after tidying up, you can also sand the surface with baking soda and Korean glue to make it smoother.

Not duct tape, this is a trick to repair a broken tray  YouTube

photo: YouTube/RIYADI family

Well, that's the trick to repairing a broken tray using one additional kitchen ingredient. The owner of the RIYADI family YouTube account said that this trick can also be applied to other pieces of furniture, such as ladles, spatula handles, and so on.

So, are you interested in trying this trick or do you have other tricks for repairing a broken tray? Taking a peek at the RIYADI family's YouTube upload which has been watched 797 thousand times, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

How do you know whether baking soda is still active or not?

To find out whether baking soda is still active or not, you can do a simple test at home. Here are the steps.

1. Prepare materials and tools.

- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice
- Small glass or bowl

2. Perform a reaction test.

- Put baking soda in a glass or small bowl.
- Pour vinegar or lemon juice over the baking soda.

3. Observe the reaction.

- If the baking soda is still active, a chemical reaction will occur which will produce lots of bubbles or foam quickly.
- If there are no bubbles or only a few, this means the baking soda is no longer active or fresh.


Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) reacts with acids (such as vinegar or lemon juice) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which creates bubbles. These bubbles indicate that the baking soda is still active and can be used in the cooking or baking process.

Storage Tips.

To keep baking soda active longer:

- Store in a dry and cool place.
- Make sure the container is tightly closed to prevent moisture from entering.
