foto: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Make the refrigerator look clean so there is no worry that the food or drinks stored in it will be contaminated with mold.

  18 Mei 2024 11:30 - Refrigerators that are 10-15 years old will usually experience many changes. Many parts are starting to have problems or are even damaged, such as the refrigerator door rubber which is starting to turn black. The black stain on the refrigerator door rubber comes from a buildup of mold that has stuck to it and not been cleaned.

It cannot be denied that cleaning mold stains on refrigerator rubber is often a troublesome job. Because it is already attached, the mold stain cannot be removed just by rubbing it. As a result, some people will use special liquids, such as applying toothpaste or dish soap to eradicate mold on the refrigerator door rubber.

However, in general, these ingredients need to be mixed first, either with a mixture of water or other soap. In fact, there are other ingredients that are more effective and easier to use in eradicating mold stains on refrigerator door rubber. This material was once used by a Facebook user named Fitri Rahmawati.

Clean the mold on the refrigerator door rubber.

As reported by BrilioFood from Fitri Rahmawati's Facebook, Friday (17/5), the ingredients used tend to be easy to get because they are definitely in the kitchen. To be clear, he uses table vinegar. Yup! The acid content in vinegar can remove stubborn mold stains on refrigerator rubber, you know.

trick to get rid of mold on refrigerator door rubber using vinegar  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

How to use it is quite easy. First, drip vinegar all over the moldy rubber surface of the refrigerator door. After the vinegar is evenly distributed, let it sit for 5 minutes. This is done so that the vinegar can penetrate the stain, making it easier to remove when rubbed.

So, if you have left it for 5 minutes, then scrub the rubber using an old toothbrush. Using this used toothbrush can reach all the rubber parts of the refrigerator door, including the small gaps. Do this rubbing process until all the mold stains are gone.

trick to get rid of mold on refrigerator door rubber using vinegar  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Next, immediately wipe the rubber refrigerator door with a tissue. Make sure the remaining vinegar and mold stains are completely removed. After that, let it sit for a while until the rubber is completely dry to minimize the growth of mold. That way, the refrigerator can be closed again.

The clean condition of the refrigerator door rubber will make the magnet work optimally. This of course makes the refrigerator tighter and the temperature inside is more stable. It's not surprising that the refrigerator will last longer if the refrigerator door rubber is always in clean condition.

trick to get rid of mold on refrigerator door rubber using vinegar  Facebook

photo: Facebook/Fitri Rahmawati

Having been watched more than 39 thousand times, this video about tricks for getting rid of mold on refrigerator rubber immediately caught the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other Facebook users also responded directly in the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they were amazed by this simple trick which was very useful,

"Wow, what a cool tip," wrote the creator's Facebook account, Raffi Budianto.

"Must try," said Kang Hari's Facebook.

"Wow, it's so clean," commented Mama' Ara's Diary Facebook account.

"Thanks sis, I usually use sunlight," said Ari on Facebook.

"Thanks for the tips ma'am," replied Facebook Piepiet Cwantq.

Tips for keeping the refrigerator cool and saving energy.

Keeping your refrigerator cool and energy efficient is important for household efficiency and saving on electricity costs. Here are nine tips to achieve this:

1. Set the right temperature.

Make sure the refrigerator temperature is set between 2-4C and the freezer below -18C. Proper temperature settings help keep food fresh and prevent energy waste.

2. Keep the refrigerator door closed.

Don't leave the refrigerator door open for too long. Every time the door opens, cold air escapes and the refrigerator has to work harder to cool it again.

3. Check the door rubber.

Make sure the refrigerator door rubber (seal) is in good condition and tight. Damaged or loose rubber can cause cold air to escape and warm air to enter, making the refrigerator work harder.

4. Fill the refrigerator appropriately.

A refrigerator that is too full or too empty is inefficient. Ideally, the refrigerator should be about 3/4 full to maintain good air flow and cooling efficiency.

5. Do not put hot food.

Let hot or warm food cool first before putting it in the refrigerator. Hot food can increase the temperature inside the refrigerator and make it work harder to cool down again.

6. Clean the condenser regularly.

Dust and dirt on the condenser behind or under the refrigerator can reduce cooling efficiency. Clean the condenser at least twice a year to maintain optimal performance.

7. Arrange the placement of the refrigerator.

Avoid placing the refrigerator close to heat sources such as ovens, stoves, or direct sunlight. External heat can make the refrigerator work harder to maintain a cool temperature.

8. Use a closed container.

Store food in closed containers to prevent excessive humidity in the refrigerator. High humidity can make the refrigerator work harder to cool the air.

9. Check and organize the space behind the refrigerator.

Make sure there is enough space behind the refrigerator for good ventilation. Good airflow around the refrigerator helps dissipate heat and improve energy efficiency.

By following these tips, you can keep your refrigerator cool, increase energy efficiency, and save on electricity costs.
