foto: Instagram/@annepermata

So that the enjoyment of eating noodles is not disturbed because of the soft and watery texture.

  20 Mei 2024 20:00 - Who can resist the pleasure of processed noodles? Food ingredients made from this flour are delicious and have a chewy texture. It's not surprising, if cooked using any spices, noodles become an appetizing dish.

Before being cooked with various spices, noodles usually have to be boiled first. It doesn't need to be too long, just boil it briefly in a matter of minutes, the noodles are perfectly cooked. Because if you boil it for too long, the texture of the noodles will become soft and watery. Apart from reducing enjoyment, watery noodles also make the dish go stale quickly when served.

But if you've already boiled the noodles until they're done, don't rush to throw them away, okay? Because it turns out there are tricks that can be done to overcome this problem. An Instagram user @annepermata showed how in one of her video uploads.

"I often cook lodoh (soft) noodles, but I want to throw them away, it's a shame that I end up having to eat them," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @annepermata on Monday (20/5).

How to deal with noodles that are too soft.

overcome soft noodles using wheat flour  2024

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

The method is fairly easy to follow, especially since you only need to prepare one kitchen ingredient. First, remove and drain the boiled noodles then put them in a bowl.

overcome soft noodles using wheat flour  2024

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

Then sprinkle one kitchen ingredient, namely wheat flour. Stir until all parts of the noodles are covered in flour. To mix it perfectly, this netizen was seen stirring the noodles using food tongs. Using wheat flour is thought to be able to restore the chewy texture of the noodles.

overcome soft noodles using wheat flour  2024

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

After stirring thoroughly, rinse the noodles with cold water. For maximum cleanliness, noodles can be rinsed more than once. Once done, drain and the noodles can be prepared with various spices.

"The texture of the oil is back to being supple again," said the owner of the video.

overcome soft noodles using wheat flour  2024

photo: Instagram/@annepermata

This video immediately caught the attention of netizens. Even though it was only uploaded on May 15 2024, this video has been watched 67 thousand times. Several netizens also left various responses in the comments column.

"I've just tried it thanks for the tips sis @annepermata thank God the noodles don't go to waste," wrote the Instagram account @dhitaallvionitaa.

"Hah, it could be like that, so far I've just given up thanks for the tips sis," said the Instagram account @ryannehamdali.

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A post shared by Anne Permata (@annepermata)

How to store wheat flour so it lasts a long time.

Storing wheat flour properly is very important to maintain its quality and durability. Here are several ways you can store wheat flour so that it remains durable and lasts a long time:

1. Store in an airtight container.

- Use a plastic or glass container that has an airtight lid. This will prevent moisture and insects from getting into the flour.

- Make sure the container is clean and dry before adding flour.

2. Store in a cool and dry place.

- Wheat flour should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

- The ideal temperature for storing wheat flour is around 20C or lower.

3. Use a vacuum bag.

- If you have a vacuum sealer machine, store the flour in a vacuum bag. This will remove air from the bag and keep the flour fresher longer.

4. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

- For long-term storage, you can store wheat flour in the refrigerator or freezer. Cool temperatures will help prevent insect growth and extend the shelf life of the flour.

- Make sure the flour is placed in an airtight container before placing it in the refrigerator or freezer to prevent the flour from absorbing moisture and odors from other foods.

- If storing in the freezer, let the flour reach room temperature before using to avoid clumping.

5. Label and date.

- Label storage containers with the type of flour and date of purchase or storage. This will help you track the freshness of the flour and use it in the order in which it was purchased.

By following the steps above, you can ensure that wheat flour remains durable and long-lasting, maintaining its quality for use in various cooking and cake recipes.
