foto: Instagram/@rastasav

Soft and cracked cassava is ready to be enjoyed~

  2 September 2024 14:00 - Cassava is one of the foods rich in carbohydrates and is the main source of energy for many people, especially in tropical areas. Although simple, cassava contains good nutrients for the body such as fiber, vitamin C, and important minerals such as calcium and potassium. In addition, cassava is also gluten-free, making it a suitable choice for people who have gluten sensitivity.

However, processing cassava into a delicious and healthy dish is not easy. Because cassava is a food ingredient that is hard when raw. Well, to make it perfectly soft and cracked, it takes certain cooking tricks.

One method of cooking cassava that is often done by many people is by boiling it. Boiling cassava is usually done for several dishes, such as cakes and fried foods. However, there are also many who consume boiled cassava directly for snacks or heavy meals to replace rice.

Well, when you want to boil cassava, most people usually need at least 30 minutes so that the texture can be soft. If the amount is more, it is very likely that the boiling process will take longer. This can certainly waste gas and cooking time.

So that cassava can crack properly, special techniques are needed in the preparation and processing process. Luckily, an Instagram user @rastasav once shared a simple trick for boiling cassava so that it cracks in 10 minutes. Through one of the videos uploaded, he admitted to using two kitchen spices when boiling cassava.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rastasav on Sunday (1/9), the spices in question are salt and garlic. These two ingredients can help soften cassava while making it taste more savory. Therefore, boiled cassava can crack and be delicious.

trick to boil cassava so it cracks in 10 minutes  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rastasav

But before it is ready to be boiled with these ingredients, you should make sure the cassava you choose is of good quality. How to choose it is quite easy. You can choose cassava that has a pink skin. Usually cassava like this tends to be soft when boiled.

Also, choose cassava that looks easy to break. Avoid choosing cassava that is soft or very hard. Not without reason, cassava like that is usually tough when cooked.

When buying at the market, it is better to choose cassava that is still intact. Do not choose cassava that has been cut into pieces using a knife. Also, choose cassava that is pure white.

Now, if you have chosen quality cassava, wash it immediately. Peel the skin and cut it into several pieces. After that, wash it again under running water.

trick to boil cassava so it cracks in 10 minutes  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rastasav

Next, prepare water in a pan. Then add salt and chopped garlic. If so, boil until the water is really boiling. Then add the cassava that has been peeled and washed clean.

In the video, Instagram user @rastasav uses 250 grams of cassava. After that, cover the pan and boil for 5-10 minutes. Make sure the boiling process is in a closed pan condition, okay. After that, open the pan lid and the cassava that has cracked is ready to be eaten.

trick to boil cassava so it cracks in 10 minutes  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rastasav

Basically, adding salt and garlic when boiling cassava can help speed up the cooking process and make the cassava softer. Salt, for example, can help change the cellular structure of cassava by drawing water into the cassava cells. This process helps soften the cassava flesh and speeds up cooking. In addition, salt can also increase the temperature of the boiling water, which makes the cassava cooking process faster.

Meanwhile, garlic contains enzymes and sulfur compounds that can help break down the cell walls of cassava, making it more tender when cooked. Although its role is smaller than salt, garlic can also provide a richer flavor and play a role in helping speed up the ripening process.
