foto: Instagram/@baking_class_roti_bali

It's not legal to be a baker, if you haven't forgotten to add yeast~

  2 September 2024 19:05 - Yeast plays an important role in the dough-making process, especially for making bread and cakes. Yeast functions as a leavening agent that works by producing carbon dioxide gas when mixed with sugar and liquid in the dough. This gas is trapped in the gluten network formed during the mixing process, creating small bubbles. This process makes the dough rise and produces a soft and tender texture after baking.

To get perfect results, the use of yeast must be done correctly. First, make sure the yeast used is still active and fresh. Inactive yeast will not produce enough gas, so the dough will not rise properly. You can test the freshness of the yeast by mixing it into a little warm water and sugar. If foam or bubbles appear within 10 minutes, the yeast is still active and ready to use.

In addition, the temperature of the water used to activate the yeast is also very important. Water that is too hot can kill the yeast, while water that is too cold will slow down the yeast's activity. The ideal temperature to activate yeast is between 37-43C. Once the yeast is active, mix it into the dough and make sure the dough is kneaded until smooth so that the gluten is formed properly.

Ideally, yeast is added before all the ingredients are mixed into the dough. However, in some cases, some people often forget to add yeast after mixing the dough. Even though the dough has been kneaded and is ready to be molded.

Forgot to add yeast after kneading  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@baking_class_roti_bali

Well, if you experience this, you can still add yeast by imitating the trick shared by Instagram user @baking_class_roti_bali. This netizen who often makes bread admitted that he once forgot to add yeast after kneading the dough. Then he did a special trick so that the dough could rise.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @baking_class_roti_bali on Sunday (1/9), the first thing to do is to mix the yeast directly into the dough. Make sure the yeast is still active so that the dough can rise perfectly.

Forgot to add yeast after kneading  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@baking_class_roti_bali

Next, knead the dough again with the yeast until it is evenly mixed. A sign that the yeast is evenly mixed is that there are no more visible yeast granules. That means the yeast has completely dissolved in the dough.

Forgot to add yeast after kneading  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@baking_class_roti_bali

Once it is well mixed, immediately cover the dough and continue the proofing process. The yeast will make the dough rise to double in size. After that, the dough is ready to use or directly molded. With this trick, the bread is guaranteed to rise and be beautiful.

Since it was uploaded on August 11, this video about the trick to overcome unleavened dough has been watched more than 1 million times. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users admitted to often experiencing the same problem. On the other hand, there are also those who have successfully applied the trick.

" Also... When I was kneading it, it smelled of mateng trigu... Turns out, oh it turns out... I forgot to put the yeast in, " explained Instagram @nuronia_salim.

" I've done this before, and in the evening someone wanted to take the bread (for a feast), I used this method too and it worked ," said Instagram @anthika_p.s.

" Forgot to put sugar in it, sis, it won't expand as well ," said Instagram @ses.dech.

" Yeah, really... It's repeating itself... It's already running out.. Wkwkwkw, " wrote the Instagram account @avriel.santoso.

" I've been making donuts and forgot to put in the yeast, " commented the Instagram account @vatsalyaapurva_
