foto: TikTok/@123abcdef.u

The cost child does have some sense~

  6 Agustus 2024 16:00 - There are lots of life hacks about cooking floating around on social media, ranging from the useful to the wacky. One of them was shared by the TikTok account user @123abcdef.u. This student is known to live in a dormitory because he is continuing his education at a university in Malaysia.

Among students, boiling or brewing instant noodles can be the way of the ninja, especially when your wallet is running low. However, sometimes there are dormitories or boarding houses that do not provide stoves, so students cannot cook themselves and have to buy ready-to-eat meals on the market.

However, this is different from the owner of the TikTok account @123abcdef.u who has a trick so he can still brew instant noodles even though his dorm doesn't provide a stove , you know. Initially, the TikTok account user @123abcdef.u prepared a bowl containing instant noodles, spices and toppings first.

This student-style trick for brewing instant noodles has a mind-blowing idea  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@123abcdef.u

Then, he poured water into the noodles. So, to make the water hot, don't forget to run the water through the iron that has been turned on. Yup, the iron is the main tool to help brew instant noodles.

This student-style trick for brewing instant noodles has a mind-blowing idea  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@123abcdef.u

However, this student didn't just use any iron, he used an iron that had never been used to straighten clothes.

" Btw, this is a new iron. Come on, don't try using rusty iron (by the way, this is a new iron. Don't try iron that is already rusty), " he stressed, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @123abcdef.u on Tuesday (6/8 ).

This student-style trick for brewing instant noodles has a mind-blowing idea  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@123abcdef.u

After adding enough water to the bowl, the TikTok account user @123abcdef.u stirred the instant noodles and waited until they were cooked. Unfortunately, the video he shared stopped there, so it didn't show the results of instant noodles that had been brewed using water from an iron. Do you think the instant noodles were cooked successfully or not?

The owner of the TikTok account @123abcdef.u also explained why he came up with the idea of brewing instant noodles with water flowing into an iron. Apparently, he was still waiting for the electric kettle he bought to arrive.

" Where's the water kettle, bro ?" asked the owner of the TikTok account @J.Lee .

" Tgh shipping (being sent), " answered the account owner.

Taking a peek at the comments column of the TikTok video @123abcdef.u which has been watched 3 million times, quite a few netizens are entertained by this content, you know. On the other hand, there are also those who are surprised to see this unusual action of cooking instant noodles.

Doesn't Kispray smell? ," said TikTok @CEWEK CENTIL MINGYU.

" Don't give me ideas (Don't give me inspiration), " said TikTok @Susanmlixyn.

" He uses it, I'm afraid (He uses it, I'm afraid) ," added TikTok @aimie.
