foto: Instagram/@bu_deedee

Anjasmara's wife-style cooking trick can be friendly for beginners to follow, you know.

  24 Juli 2024 19:00 - Fans of Indonesian soap operas are definitely familiar with the name Dian Nitami . Anjasmara's wife is currently being talked about a lot because she has just gone on holiday and had plastic surgery on her face with a beauty doctor in South Korea.

The results of this 53 year old celebrity's surgery did not change the shape of her face like the plastic surgery that most other people undergo. After investigating, Dian Nitami performed surgery using the face lifting method to remove wrinkles and tighten the skin. Not a few netizens praised the new appearance of this Perwira and Ksatria soap opera actor, you know.

Not only about appearance, Dian Nitami is also often an inspiration to many women, especially about her figure who is so painstaking in taking care of herself and her family even though she has a ton of filming schedules. Dian Nitami is also known to have various hobbies, ranging from sports, farming, to cooking.

So, when it comes to cooking, Dian Nitami fans definitely don't doubt this mother of two's abilities when working in the kitchen. The reason is, through several uploads on her personal social media, Dian Nitami often shares recipes for everyday dishes, from western to local menus.

One of Dian Nitami's signature dishes is beef curry. In fact, this celebrity who was born on June 18 1971 has a trick for processing curry so that the result is soft and tasty from the spices which penetrate into the meat. The trick is really simple for beginners to follow, you know.

Dian Nitami's trick for cooking beef curry  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@bu_deedee

The first trick is to make ground spices from various types of spices to make the curry sauce super thick. Dian Nitami usually makes ground spices from a mixture of large red chilies, turmeric, galangal, red and white onions, ginger, candlenuts and white pepper.

When all the spice ingredients were ground, he also added a little coconut oil. Apart from that, as a complement to make the processed meat curry even more tasty and fragrant, Dian Nitami also prepares lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves, and thick coconut milk.

Dian Nitami's trick for cooking beef curry  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@bu_deedee

The ground spices are sauteed first until fragrant and cooked, then add enough water. Dian Nitami usually waits until the water boils first, then she adds the beef pieces. So, so that beef can be tender quickly, Dian Nitami has a trick to use the chuck (neck) or blade (hump).

According to Dian, these two parts of the meat have the most tender texture compared to the other parts, so they don't take long to cook. Using parts of beef that are easily tender also makes it easier for the spices to penetrate the meat fibers, you know. That's why he chooses parts of meat that have minimal fat, so they are healthier.

"Many people like to ask me, is red meat actually good for health? If consumed in the right amount and in the form of quality lean meat, the answer is yes, red meat is very good for health," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @bu_deedee on Wednesday (24/7).

Dian Nitami's trick for cooking beef curry  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@bu_deedee

Once the meat is almost cooked, add the coconut milk and additional spices such as lemongrass, lime leaves and bay leaves. So, so that the coconut milk doesn't break, this meat curry must be stirred continuously until it is completely cooked. When it is cooked, the curry can be served immediately with any garnishes or accompaniments according to taste.
