YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

Doesn't need a lot of capital.

  19 Mei 2024 11:29 - It's small in size, but you must have this tool at home, namely nail clippers. Ordinary nail clippers come in various sizes that can be adjusted to suit your needs. However, if this tool has been used for years, the blade usually becomes duller.

When they find that nail clippers are dull, people often choose to buy new ones. Actually, if you know the trick, blunt nail clippers can be sharpened again , you know. The trick for sharpening nail clippers was shared by YouTube account user Amnaifa Channel.

This netizen, who is familiarly called Amnaifa, shows the process of sharpening old nail scissors, which are known to have become dull and sharp again with just one kitchen tool . So, you don't need to bother buying new nail clippers on the market.

The trick for sharpening old nail clippers that are dull only uses 1 kitchen tool.

Before getting into the trick, first prepare clean water in a container. Pour a little dish soap into the water, then stir well. Dip all parts of the nail clipper in soapy water, then scrub with the help of a toothbrush.

The owner of the YouTube account, Amnaifa Channel, explained that sometimes a lot of stains accumulate on the inside of nail clippers, which also risks making the tool less sharp, you know.

After cleaning, rinse the nail clippers with clean water and dry them with a tissue or clean cloth.

Tricks to sharpen old, dull nail clippers  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

After drying, proceed to the process of sharpening the knife using a kitchen tool. So, the tool used to practice this trick is a stainless steel spoon. First grease the nail clipper blades with toothpaste, then rub them using a spoon.

"Just use a little toothpaste," emphasized the owner of the YouTube account Amnaifa Channel, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (18/5).

If you have rubbed it with a spoon for a while, rinse and dry the nail clippers again. Then, try nail clippers to cut paper, cardboard or your nails directly. If you feel it is no longer dull, it means you have successfully practiced this trick.

Tricks to sharpen old, dull nail clippers  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Amnaifa Channel

Tricks to keep stainless steel spoons from rusting easily.

So that stainless steel spoons don't rust easily, you can follow the following maintenance tricks.

1. Clean regularly.

Wash spoons immediately after use to avoid buildup of stains and food that can cause rust. Use warm water and mild dish soap.

2. Dry well.

Make sure the spoon is completely dry before storing. Moisture is one of the main causes of rust on stainless steel. Use a clean, dry towel to dry it.

3. Avoid contact with acids and salt.

Foods that are very acidic or contain high salt can speed up the corrosion process. If a spoon comes into contact with these substances, wash and dry it immediately.

4. Use stainless steel cleaner.

Occasionally, clean the spoon with a special stainless steel cleaner to maintain its shine and remove stains that might cause rust.

5. Store in a dry place.

Store the spoon in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid storing it in damp places such as near a sink or in a closed container which can cause a buildup of moisture.

6. Avoid using rough materials.

Do not use abrasive materials or rough brushes to clean the spoon as this can scratch the surface and make it more susceptible to rust.

7. Use natural methods to clean rust.

If there are early signs of rust, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water to make a paste that can be rubbed on the rusted area. Rub gently with a soft cloth until the rust is gone, then rinse and dry.

With proper care, your stainless steel spoon will remain durable and rust-free for a long time.
