
No need to use oil.

  19 Mei 2024 15:30

Brilio.net - Sliding doors , usually called sliding doors, do not take up much space when the door is opened. Apart from being used as a house door, this sliding door is also commonly used on cupboard doors, kitchen drawers, and so on.

However, many people complain that after using sliding doors for several months they experience damage. The reason is, the sliding door rails or tracks often become dry or dirty, so that the door gets stuck when it is being slid.

There are a number of ways to overcome this, one of which is by rubbing a bar of soap. On the other hand, you can also apply oil, you know. However, unlike netizens on the TikTok account @yustinsean, this man explained that he only needed one kitchen ingredient to practice the trick to overcome a jammed sliding door so it ran smoothly again.

"Usually I use oil, but it's hard to find," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @yustinsean on Sunday (19/5).

This trick for dealing with jammed sliding doors so they run smoothly again uses 1 kitchen ingredient.

Before getting into the trick, first make sure the sliding door rail or track is clean without dust or other stains. Next, grease the sliding door rail or track with a little cooking oil. Yup, cooking oil is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick.

Tricks to overcome jammed sliding doors so they run smoothly again  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@yustinsean

The owner of the TikTok account @yustinsean this time used coconut oil. However, you can also use other types of cooking oil depending on what is available at home. After smearing it, immediately try sliding the door, guaranteed it won't jam again.

Tricks to overcome jammed sliding doors so they run smoothly again  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@yustinsean

How about it, it's a really simple trick to overcome this jammed sliding door, right? Taking a peek at @yustinsean's TikTok upload, even though there haven't been many comments from other netizens, this video still gets extraordinary enthusiasm from more than 26 thousand viewers, you know.

@yustinsean Cooking oil for doors?! #solution #taugasih #thisistheevent #musikviral Mission Impossible Theme (Movie Trailer Mix) - Dominik Hauser

How to store cooking oil.

Storing cooking oil properly is very important to maintain its quality so that it doesn't spoil quickly or change taste. Here are some tips for storing cooking oil so that its quality remains good.

1. Store in a cool and dark place.

Cooking oil should be stored in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources such as stoves. Exposure to light and heat can speed up the oxidation process, which will make the oil rancid.

2. Use a container that is tightly closed.

Store the oil in a tightly closed container to prevent contact with air. Oxygen can speed up the breakdown of oil. Dark-colored glass containers or metals that don't react with oil are good choices.

3. Avoid contamination.

Always use a clean, dry spoon or tool when scooping out oil to avoid contamination. Do not pour used oil back into the original bottle because this can cause contamination.

4. Do not store near strong-smelling materials.

Cooking oil can absorb odors from the surrounding environment. Make sure to store the oil away from strong-smelling ingredients such as spices or household chemicals.

5. Pay attention to expiration dates.

Always check the expiration date on the cooking oil packaging and use it before that date to ensure the best quality.

6. Use the right oil.

For different purposes, use the appropriate type of oil. For example, extra virgin olive oil is good for salads, while regular cooking oil is better for frying.

7. Store certain types of oil in the refrigerator.

Oils such as olive oil or sesame oil are more stable if stored in the refrigerator. Although the oil will thicken in cold temperatures, the oil will return to a liquid state when left at room temperature.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the cooking oil you use remains fresh and of good quality for a longer period of time.
