foto: YouTube/YAHMAN CN

The towels come back clean, so they're comfortable to use again.

  20 Mei 2024 15:00 - Towels that have been used many times are usually full of stubborn stains. If you leave it like that, the stain on the towel will turn black, you know. Sometimes the towels even smell bad. If it's like this, the towel will no longer be comfortable to use.

Knowing this, a number of people immediately soak towels in baking soda solution. In order for the stain to disappear completely, the towel is deliberately soaked for hours. It doesn't stop there, the towels are also checked using your hands to ensure maximum cleanliness.

If you feel it is completely clean, rinse the towel with running water. As a result, the towels are clean again, free from stubborn stains.

But don't just use baking soda, it turns out there are other cleaning agents that can be used. A YouTube user, Mamah Raihan, showed the method in her video upload. As seen in the video, this netizen replaces baking soda with other cleaning agents.

How to wash towels correctly.

Reported by BrilioFood from Mamah Raihan's YouTube on Monday (20/5), first mix the cleaning solution that will be used. Put enough citrus into the bucket. For maximum cleanliness, he also added one kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap. As for the dosage, you can adjust it to taste.

Wash dirty and smelly towels using additional dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Mamah Raihan

Then pour hot water into the bucket, stir until all the ingredients are completely mixed. Using hot water is considered more effective for removing stubborn stains on towels. After mixing completely, then put the towel into the bucket. Press the towel so that it completely soaks all parts of the towel.

Wash dirty and smelly towels using additional dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Mamah Raihan

After soaking for a few minutes, take a towel. Wring it out and then check the towel with my hands. Without expending extra effort, the stubborn stains on the towels appear to be gone.

Wash dirty and smelly towels using additional dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Mamah Raihan

If you feel it is clean, rinse the towel using running water. While still checking to make sure there are no stains or cleaning solution left. After washing, the towels are clean again and their texture remains soft. There is also no unpleasant odor that can be smelled on the towels.

Wash dirty and smelly towels using additional dish soap  2024

photo: YouTube/Mamah Raihan

How to increase the amount of dishwashing soap so that it remains foamy and is economical to use.

To increase your dishwashing soap so that it remains foamy and is economical to use, you can try the following methods:

1. Dilute soap with water.

Diluting dish soap with water can make it more economical and still lather. The method:
- Mix one part soap with two or three parts water in a pump bottle.
- Shake gently to mix the soap and water well.

2. Use the right sponge or cloth.

The right sponge or cloth can help create more lather.
- Use a sponge that has lots of small pores, because it is more effective in producing foam.
- If using cloth, choose a microfiber cloth which can produce better foam than regular cloth.

3. Add baking soda.

Adding baking soda to the dish soap mixture can help increase the lather and cleaning effectiveness.
- Add one tablespoon of baking soda to a bottle of diluted dish soap.
- Shake until mixed evenly.

4. Use warm water.

Warm water helps dish soap be more effective and lather more.
- Fill the sink with warm water before washing dishes.
- It also helps dissolve oil and fat faster.

5. Make your own soap mixture.

You can make your own dishwashing soap which is more economical with natural ingredients that are easy to find.
- Mix 1/2 cup liquid Castile soap, 1/4 cup water, and 1 tablespoon glycerin.
- Add 10-20 drops of lemon or lavender essential oil for a refreshing aroma.
- Store in a pump bottle and use like regular dish soap.

By following the tips above, you can add more dishwashing soap so that it is more economical and still foams. Apart from that, you can also help reduce costs and environmental impacts from excessive use of soap.
