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21 November 2024 04:00

Not mixed with spices, here's a trick for frying mendoan tempeh so that the aroma is even more delicious and fragrant.

The trick is easy and doesn't require a lot of capital. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Not mixed with spices, here's a trick for frying mendoan tempeh so that the aroma is even more delicious and fragrant. foto: TikTok/@logamjawa

Brilio.net - Tempe mendoan has become one of Indonesia's typical snacks . This food, which originates from the Banyumas area, Central Java, is famous for its savory taste and soft texture. Tempe mendoan is made from thinly sliced tempeh and coated with seasoned flour dough, then fried until half cooked to produce a crispy sensation on the outside but remains soft on the inside.

The simple process of making tempeh mendoan and the easy-to-find ingredients make it a practical and economical snack. The flour dough for tempeh mendoan usually consists of a mixture of wheat flour, rice flour, garlic, coriander, and spring onions which give it a fragrant aroma and distinctive taste. The tempeh used must also be of good quality, with soybeans that are still intact and solid so that the final result is optimal.

The ingredients for making tempeh mendoan are quite easy to get. Therefore, many people choose to make it themselves at home. However, to enhance the aroma and deliciousness, the tempeh dough is usually given additional spices. Well, these spices will make tempeh mendoan even more delicious.

But instead of adding spices, you can use another trick to enhance the aroma of tempeh mendoan. A TikTok user @logamjawa once revealed it through one of the videos uploaded. According to him, the process of frying tempeh mendoan can also potentially enhance the aroma to make it even more delicious.

photo: TikTok/@logamjawa

But there are several steps that must be done before the tempeh is ready to be fried. As reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @logamjawa on Wednesday (11/20), first make the flour mixture in a container. First, grind 2 cloves of garlic with 1 tsp of ground coriander, 1 tsp of ground turmeric, and 1 candlenut.

Next, mix this fine seasoning with 125 grams of wheat flour, 1 tbsp of rice flour, salt, broth, and 100-200 ml of water. Stir until all these ingredients are dissolved and mixed evenly. Then add the chopped spring onions, stir again for a while.

photo: TikTok/@logamjawa

Once done, dip the mendoan tempeh and coat it evenly. Next, take a piece of banana leaf (you can use the old tempeh wrapper). Then put the floured mendoan tempeh into it. Wrap it tightly and secure it using a skewer.

photo: TikTok/@logamjawa

Now, the tempeh mendoan that has been wrapped in banana leaves can be fried directly as usual in a frying pan filled with hot oil. Don't forget to turn it over so that it cooks evenly. Basically, the banana leaves are what will make the tempeh mendoan even more delicious and fragrant.

Then after it is cooked and the leaves are wilted, immediately lift and drain. After that, open the banana leaf wrapper. Well, that way, this mendoan tempeh can be eaten immediately. The more delicious and fragrant aroma makes mendoan delicious and appetizing, you know.

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