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27 November 2024 20:00

Given a surprise ugly cake, these 5 portraits of Rayyanza's 3rd birthday cake are uniquely themed Cars

The cake gift for Rayyanza was unexpected~ Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Given a surprise ugly cake, these 5 portraits of Rayyanza's 3rd birthday cake are uniquely themed Cars foto: Instagram/@syahnazs

Brilio.net - Rayyanza Malik Ahmad has turned 3 years old on Tuesday (26/11). The second son of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina then celebrated it with a festive party. The child of the celebrity couple who is often called Cipung appeared adorable wearing a Lightning McQueen costume at his birthday party.

Yup! Raffi and Nagita held a birthday party with luxurious decorations themed after the Cars animation. Like Lightning McQueen who is identical with the color red, all the decorations were also designed in similar colors. Not only dolls, various balloons and decorative backgrounds were also filled with matching red colors.

Rafathar's younger sibling's birthday celebration looked lively attended by a number of close families. Both the families of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina also attended to enliven the party. There were also several close relatives and a number of Rafathar's friends who came to the party.

But not only that, one thing that also caught the attention was the cake that was presented specifically for Rayyanza. Still in line with the Cars theme, Rayyanza's birthday cake was also designed with pictures of circuits and racing cars. Not only that, Nagita Slavina and Raffi Ahmad even immediately gave five cakes with a similar theme for Rayyanza's birthday moment.

Although the theme is the same, the birthday cake for Rayyanza has quite a variety of shapes. There are even some that are designed like ugly cakes with unique shapes. So, are you curious about Rayyanza's third birthday cake? Let's see the further review that BrilioFood has summarized from various sources on Wednesday (11/27).

1. Raffi and Nagita gave a surprise in the form of a cake in the shape of a Lightning McQueen car, one of the characters in the Cars animation. This medium-sized cake really looks like a toy car, you know.

photo: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

2. On his 3rd birthday celebration, Rayyanza also blew out the candles on a Cars-themed cake. Different from before, he got a fairly large cake with two layers of sponge cake and decorations like the background in the Cars animation.

photo: Instagram/@syahnazs

3. At the same moment, Rayyanza also received a cake with a unique design because it was attached to a toy that could spin.

photo: Instagram/@nissyaa

4. Different from before, Raffi and Nagita actually gave a Lightning McQueen cake with a different shape. This ugly cake with a basic car shape looks unique.

photo: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

5. But not only the car, another ugly cake that Rayyanza got was even more unique because it was designed with his cute face. On the other hand, there was also a "Happy Birthday Rayyanza" message attached to the front.

photo: Instagram/@raffinagita1717

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