The success story of a kroto or child ant cultivator, whose kroto has now reached overseas.

  18 Oktober 2019 17:32

Kroto are ant eggs that are often used as bird food or fishing bait. On the market, Kroto is sold at quite an expensive price and many people are interested in it. This is what underlies Widodo's cultivation of kroto.

"Every time I ask at the bird food shop, there's always a lack of bird food. I don't know if it's crickets, I don't know if it's kroto, or Hong Kong worms, it's all a shortage. This means that every time I ask at the bird food shop, today there's kroto "We haven't been there for two days," said Widodo

Widodo has been cultivating kroto since 2009 when he and his wife were laid off in Tangerang. Finally they decided to return to Jogja. Widodo attended various entrepreneurship trainings, until finally choosing kroto cultivation.

"Actually, these ants are also uncomfortable for me and my family. Because according to the neighbors, these are strange livestock. I also don't think they are suitable for me, they (the neighbors) said. Just because of compulsion, like it or not, I have to struggle to find out how to make it comfortable for me." explained Widodo

The method is simple with clear jars and a special shelf. Each leg of the shelf is given a small plate filled with cooking oil so that the ants don't escape. It only refills the ants' drinking water and food. One glass of sugar water and one ounce of mealworms every 2-4 days for 12 nests.

"So we started in 2009, in 2014 I had a broadcast on national TV, was called to East Java for training, and when I came home I was given pocket money. Then in 2014, because I was from a village, people from the village had a lot of money, so I was confused too. The first time I bought a vehicle was 2014. 2009 "Starting in 2014, I bought a vehicle. Even though it wasn't new, it was clear that I had bought a vehicle from these proceeds because it was for turnover or for livestock needs, in 2015 I bought another pick-up vehicle for goats," said Widodo.

Widodo and his wife were also able to visit Mecca from the results of kroto cultivation. Initially Widodo peddled his kroto from door to door, now buyers and shop owners come to contact him. The price of Kroto on the market is around IDR 190 thousand to IDR 240 thousand. Widodo's cultivation results have even reached overseas. Such as Belgium, Thailand and China.
