Get to know Irfan Fahmi Nooryadi, a student at UIN Sunan Kalijaga who is also a translator during Friday sermons for friends with disabilities.

  26 Juli 2019 17:34

Hello friend Brilio, let's get to know the inspiring figure who is the translator of Friday's sermon.

Irfan Fahmi Nooryadi is a student at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta who is a volunteer translator for Friday prayer sermons. He started translating Friday sermons in 2018. Starting from his curiosity, he started learning sign language.

"The first thing in my daily life is studying, and on the side I study the Koran at the Al Munawir Islamic Boarding School, Krapyak, Yogyakarta." he explained

He initially learned sign language so he could be a communication bridge between hearing friends and deaf friends.

"The first time I learned sign language was after the 2016 inclusion meeting, after that I looked for a sign class and met with the Deaf Art Community, which is a deaf community in Jogja, one of whose programs is learning sign language for hearing friends." he said

Initially he was interested in becoming a translator because there was a shortage of translators at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. He admitted that the figures who inspired him to become a translator were in the cities of Solo and Jakarta. Apart from that, this man is also one of the volunteers at the UIN Disabled Services Center, Yogyakarta

"The initial idea to provide a sermon translator was when there were deaf students at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, I don't really understand what year, but at that time a new translator was provided, and it was facilitated for deaf friends." the story.

Apart from being a volunteer translator for Friday sermons at the Sunan Kalijaga Mosque, he also has other activities, one of which is accompanying friends with disabilities in supporting their lectures. Currently he is still an active student at UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.

"My hope is for friends with disabilities to remain enthusiastic when taking lessons on campus and in the community and if it is for friends to listen, don't be embarrassed if approached by friends with disabilities or want to get close to friends with disabilities. Because we are both human and both have a sense of concern and compassion." he hoped.
