Some events in the world are sometimes unacceptable. Like Supiyati's story which shocked the public in 2012.

  1 Oktober 2019 17:45

Some events in the world are sometimes unacceptable.
Like Supiyati's story which shocked the public in 2012. Supiyati experienced an incident that left her whole body covered in mysterious spikes. These spikes appeared since 2011 when he was 24 years old. During that time, he had to remain in a coma for 35 days. While in a coma, he admitted that it was like he was traveling in another world. After passing through a coma, mysterious events never stopped happening to him. His body was blistered for 6 months like he had been scalded by hot water.

The strangeness he experienced became even more unreasonable when medical personnel were unable to determine the reason for the appearance of the spikes on his body. In fact, with the help of religious leaders, the objects on his body could be taken even though they always reappeared. Until one day her family decided to take Supiyati to Nur Hidayah Hospital, Bantul and was hospitalized for 18 days.

Not only medical treatment, a series of ruqyah processes are attempted. These efforts were successful, thousands of nails of various types were successfully removed. His condition gradually improved until in 2017 he felt completely cured.

It wasn't an easy thing that Supiyati experienced, but she chose to be sincere and become a better person after the incident that happened to her without caring whose fault or doing it was, until she had to endure the incident at that time for several years.
