After Mbah Maridjan died, Mbah Asih emerged as the new caretaker of Merapi. He is the third child of Mbah Maridjan.

  16 Oktober 2019 16:59

The requirement to be a Merapi caretaker must be experience and have served the palace for a long time. Next you will go through the interview test stage. Mbah Maridjan's replacement as caretaker of Merapi was Mbah Maridjan's third child named Mas Bekel Anom Suraksosihono or Asih. He was appointed as caretaker on April 4 2011.

He also received the new title Mas Lurah Suraksosihono and carried out a series of duties. Including conveying harbors and maintaining culture, preserving culture and preserving nature. The caretaker also coordinates with the BMKG. He only monitors the condition of Merapi manually through sight. Then provide information to the authorities and the public. Mbah Asih admitted that caretaker is not his main profession. His daily work is as an administrative employee at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UII Yogyakarta.

In 2018, he experienced the phreatic eruption of Mount Merapi. At that time he didn't feel any signs, he didn't even have time to escape. Mbah Asih revealed that mystical rituals are difficult to implement because technology is felt to make things easier. Apart from that, technological advances have also shifted human thinking patterns.
