Chatting with Whani Darmawan, who plays the character Darsam in the film Earth of Mankind about his stage journey.

  22 Agustus 2019 16:44

Hello friend Brilio,

Come on, check out Brilio's video! The following! had the opportunity to chat with the actor who played Darsam in the film Earth of Mankind. He told about his journey in the world of acting.

Earth of Mankind is a film adapted from the novel of the same title, by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This film was directed by Hanung Bramantyo. In the film Earth of Mankind there are several important characters. One of them is the character Darsam, played by Whani Darmawan. Long before entering the world of films, Whani was involved in theater arts. This man, born in 1966, has been involved in the world of theater since 1985.

"At that time I was still in high school, but I had been interested since middle school. So when I came home from school, in the afternoon I saw people playing theater, 'how come theater practice feels so fun'. But when I was new, I didn't have the guts to join because the people were all adults, I was still in middle school. Then it was delayed until the second year of high school and I got the flyer and then I joined," said Whani.

It wasn't easy, his parents forbade Whani from going any further into acting. His father opposed him when he studied art. Not only theater, Whani also studied another field, namely writing.

"My father was a painter. Of course, my parents' thoughts at that time were very conservative, so actually it wasn't allowed. When I was little, I wasn't allowed to become a painter. Then I wasn't allowed to go into theater arts because maybe theater would be in trouble. That means if you don't take care of the artist's life. "Both in terms of appearance, mainly verbal. Income and so on," explained Whani.

Various achievements and income from writing made his parents approve of Whani's steps. His father even gave Whani a typewriter for him. Whani's determination is firm, he feels comfortable when playing theater.

"Playing theater can make people feel cathartic or feel lighter, their minds open. Because at that time they also trained in all logic. So from there it continued. Then when I was around 23 I wanted to be an actor. Yes, that started from there and then I found the link there "I kept playing theater here, I met for films here and there until finally I went to Darsam," said Whani.

His actions when playing Darsam required special preparation. Moreover, Whani dialogued in Madurese, which he did not master. Whani even had to practice driving a wagon.

"Darsam is indeed a challenging role and Pram's novel, even though he is not the main character or not the main character. But Pramoedya is very good at telling the story. So in the 80s I read Darsam's book, it was really interesting and when it was offered to me, I was just happy to practice to be able to play Darsam," said Whani.

Apart from Earth of Mankind, Whani has also participated in various other domestic films. Like the film Golden Stick Warrior and the film Kucumbu Your Indah Body. Apart from movies. He is also still active in theater. Several theater titles have become memorable works for Whani. As he himself wrote, entitled Metanietzsche: The Hermit's Doll, touring 2001 - 2004. Apart from that, when he played at the Garasi Yogyakarta theater he played Beckett's play Endgame.

After the film Earth of Mankind, Whani is preparing a repertoire for Japan at the Tri Asia Forum. Whani also practiced at Panembahan Reso Theater 19 20 September 2019 at Taman Ismail Marzuki. Apart from that, Whani manages Omah Kebon Nitiprayan. A Guest House which also provides a place for people to learn about art and the creative world.
