Talking about his career as an actor and his life in the palace.

  15 Oktober 2019 15:57

Hello friends . Do you still remember the soap opera Gita Cinta from high school? This soap opera tells the love story of Galih and Ratna which makes you emotional. This soap opera, which aired in 2004, made the actor playing the character Galih famous. It was later discovered that the handsome actor was the son of the king of Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta. He is also the grandson of Indonesia's first President Soekarno. Now 15 years have passed, how is Galih now?

When met by the team at his residence, namely the Pura Mangkunegaran Palace, Surakarta, Paundrakarna talked about his career as an actor and the activities he is currently doing. He even talked about his rejection when he started to become an actor.

"Rejection of course, right? In the past I was really excited. I was really enthusiastic because I was really enthusiastic about going there (acting). In fact, it was an extraordinary experience to be able to work with Bang Rano Karno, Mbak Suti Karno and the Karno family. The film was an extraordinary soap opera. "Very normal," said Paudra.

Paundra's career as an actor did not immediately run smoothly. He has experienced rejection when casting. But he didn't give up. Even his own father, who was a king, wanted Paundra to become an economist.

"From the king, Sri Paduka, papa wants you to become an economist, study there, do business and all kinds of things. But I followed my soul's call first, because I knew that if this was successful I could show my credibility. Once I became an artist, everyone was happy. "As for the most important support, it's my mother," explained Paundra.

During the interview, Paundra also talked about his life in the palace.

"When I was young, I was a rebel, militant, revolutionary. "When you were young, there were always boundaries: you can't do this, you can't do that, it's still like being held back, both here and here in particular, from the grandparents to the nannies, servants and servants, you can't do this, you can't do that."

Even so, Paudra feels grateful to have been born and raised in the palace environment. Various rules in the palace made him learn to love art. He even teaches art.

"I swerved to repeat my success in middle school and high school, becoming a choreographer or dance director in the productions I made," explained Paundra.

Not only dancing, Paundra also designs the dancers' costumes herself. Adibuat Paundrakarna Production has performed in several cities in Indonesia.

He is said to be different from most modern people. He chose the traditional art route for his current activities. Even for political matters that are synonymous with Bung Karno's descendants, Paundra has his own answer.

There are always lots of them. If it's from the closest one, bro, whenever you want, you can do that, opportunities are always open, just come back again, whether you want to or not. I always digitize, that's all for now. "The main thing is to have your own strategy," concluded Paundra.
