Not only are the popular prices attractive, the seller also makes buyers feel at home because of his smiling attitude.

  31 Desember 2019 17:32

Precisely in the corner of Jurug gas station, east of Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Wulandari's onthel bicycle was parked. He sells goat tengkleng on his bicycle. He started selling there at 13.30 WIB until the stock ran out.

Previously, Wulandari went around pedaling a bicycle while carrying a tenggok (small basket) filled with tengkleng to support the family's living needs. Until finally in February 2019, he chose to sell in only one place.

In fact, his sustenance had been arranged by God. After he stopped going around, more and more buyers approached him.

One of the features of Wulandari's tengkleng is that it is delicious and has popular prices. He is also a seller who is generous with his customers. Evidently, the rice in the tengkleng portion was not appreciated, aka it was free.

So customers only pay for the type of tengkleng they choose. Wulandari prices one dish of tengkleng from IDR 10 thousand to IDR 20 thousand.

Unexpectedly, the results of his hard work were successful in taking his children to high school and paying for their wedding. One thing that makes me happy is that Wulandari looks after five adopted children and six biological children. She struggles alone with the status of 'single mom', her husband has passed away since 2011. Wulandari is one image of millions of people who are struggling.
