One of Yogyakarta's culinary spots is famous for selling well, warm cakwe is perfect to enjoy with Mr Ahmad's special sauce.

  18 Desember 2019 16:36

Not ordinary cakwe, the right sentence to describe Mr Ahmad's dish. Cakwe is a traditional snack made from flour from Bandung. But many are sold in various regions. It looks the same, Pak Ahmad has a trick to make his cakwe different from the others.

If I have it, it's because its characteristic is the spices. The seasoning is homemade. "For other cakwe, most of the sauce comes in sachets," said Mr Ahmad.

Original and delicious, making the cakwe go viral and covered by many media. In fact, in one day he can finish 10 kg of cakwe dough. One piece of cakwe is priced at IDR 2500. From there the turnover is quite good.

"Yes, it goes up and down, sis, sometimes there are more than a million, sometimes less than a million," explained Mr Ahamd.

Mr Ahmad is known to have been selling since 2000. Previously he sold in the Kranggan area from 6-8 in the morning. Then move to schools near North Square during recess. Until finally he settled on selling at his current place for 4 years. On the other hand, it turns out that selling cakwe is a family business.

"There are, brothers. In the past, they were called three brothers, all selling in Tarakanita, at Kranggan, UGM," concluded Paj Ahmad

If you are interested in coming to taste, don't be surprised by the queue. Try to come early so you don't run out. Ahmad Cakwe is located at Jl. Jambon, Kricak, Jogja from 4-6 pm.
