Image source: Antaranews

It only costs around $3 and serves 2-3 people.

  30 Agustus 2016 18:25 - Indonesias foods are as variedand tasty as the country itself and full ofherbs and spices, but nowadays young people are developing more Western tastes.

This has ledAngga Ghany, a marketing communications manager at theSoda Bar and Resto in Bandung, West Java, to create a unique menu item combining Italian and Indonesian cuisine Pizza Lemper.

And it's a hit.

Pizza normally round and flat, but Pizza Lemper is made in a roll like the traditional Indonesian snack it's named after.

Pizza Lemper  2016

The point is, we want to serve Indonesian food differently and thats how Pizza Lemper was created. Angga Ghany told state news agencyAntara.

The pizza contains beef or chicken, sauce and cheese. It costs around $3 and servestwo to three people. It was first introduced just this month!

Up Next: For pizza lovers, you can now get a degree in pizza!