The deliciousness of mangut beong is sought after by tourists

  16 April 2021 15:00

Hello friend Brilio,

Does anyone know beong fish? Beong fish is a typical fish that can be found in large rivers, including the Progo River. This processed fish is typical in the area around the Progo River along Borobudur, Magelang to Kulon Progo. Beong fish resemble catfish and have whiskers but the shape of the head and flesh are different. The team had the opportunity to explore processed beong fish at Mbah Juri's stall.

Warung Mbah Juri is in the Sendangsono area, Kulonprogo. This stall, which has been established since 2008, has dishes such as mangut beong, mangut wader soft durian, hot chicken, vegetable lompong, and gudeg. All the dishes he prepares still use traditional techniques. He still uses a wood-burning stove for cooking to maintain the taste of his food. He got the recipe for processed mangut from his parents. Processed beong fish is a favorite at his stall. The beong fish mangut is priced at IDR 75,000/ per portion already with rice which you can take as much as you like if you eat on the spot. The price for a portion of mangut beong is quite expensive compared to other freshwater fish, but you should know that getting this fish is very difficult.

Mbah Juri got beong fish from collectors in the Borobudur area. He has to wait five days to a week to get the beong fish. No one cultivates beong fish so they have to be taken directly from the river. Because it is difficult to find and many people are interested in it, this fish is expensive. Warung Mbah Juri is well known outside Java, and its customers even come from Kalimantan and Maluku. The stall is open from 6 am to 6 pm.

Are you curious about what the beong fish prepared at Mbah Juri's stall is like? Come on, watch the complete video.
