Seeing the funeral process of the famous artist from Yogyakarta, Djaduk Ferianto, which was attended by Indonesian musicians.

  13 November 2019 19:05

Sad news comes from the world of Indonesian art. Artist Djaduk Ferianto died on Wednesday (13/11/2019) at around 03.00 WIB. The youngest son of the dance artist, Bagong Kussudiardja, died of a heart attack. The late Djaduk is buried at the Bagong Kussudiardja Arts Padepokan. Buried at around 15:30 WIB in the Sembungan family cemetery, Kasihan, Bantul. Before the funeral, it was preceded by a mass procession for the souls. The funeral procession was attended by many relatives. Several Indonesian musicians and artists also expressed their condolences and remembered his figure.
One of them is JHF musician, Marzuki Kill the Dj, who shared his memories with Djaduk Ferianto.

"I used to be poor and didn't have anything. Well, the person who lent me the studio for my first recording was Mr. Djaduk. Behind his tough character, he really cared about the people around him and gave opportunities to young friends too. grow," said Zuki.

Musician Dewa Budjana also remembers Djaduk Ferianto's special works.

"I once played with Mas Djaduk in Bromo, I forgot the title because I just played together spontaneously. I've watched a lot of his works, Sinten Remen's album is really good and Kua Etnika too. But the most popular one is the jazz event he made "It seems like no one makes it like Mas Djaduk in all regions. Usually everyone makes it in certain areas, in Banyuwangi, everywhere in Bromo," said Budjana.

Likewise with jazz singer, Syaharani also conveyed his impression of the figure of Djaduk Ferianto.

"The impression I had with Mas Djaduk was that it was never anything special. Because he was innovative, had lots of ideas, was exploratory, both his activities and his soul were the same. As a cultural observer, I feel a great loss. I hope this can be continued, creative work. Maybe through his family and children. Through his students, there are many of his students, and his friends too. I think he conveyed the message very clearly, that his goal is to always carry out positive movements for culture it will never end. And it is a lifetime gift for everyone," recalled Syaharani.

One of Djaduk's works of art is expressed through the Sinten Remen Orchestra. Apart from that, he also initiated jazz festivals in various regions in Indonesia. One of them is Ngayogjazz which regularly takes place every year in Yogyakarta.
