Apart from repairing roads, this meatball trader also builds public facilities in his village in Malang. SEE MORE...
10 Examples of Inspiring Short Story Texts
In the past it was difficult to buy cassava to eat, but the struggle of Suparmin, a motorbike taxi driver on the Hajj, makes me salute
Only a junior high school graduate, this man's story of success in raising 500 cows & pineapple farming is exemplary.
The story of a man who repented after losing IDR 80 million due to gambling, he rose to sell colenak with a turnover of IDR 4 million per day
75 yearbook mottos for high school students, full of meaning and very impressive
Faces of Jakarta: Plus-Size Icon Intan Kemala Sari
Creative superhero movie Airis is now airing on Youtube
Why do people hate me for no apparent reason?
10 Reasons why changing jobs quite often is perfectly fine
Utilizing sea waves as means for electricity without a generator
This janitor is called upon by the chief of police
Ahmad Rifa’i, a 27 year-old man who has written over 50 book titles
An application shares the wisdom of older people to young generations
Museum tours in Jogja are more exciting! A night at the museum anyone?
A well water clarity device made by a student from Kudus
Made of beeswax, this crayon is safe for children
This community provides free schooling for marginalized children
Sugeng siswoyudono the unsung hero for those who need prosthetic limbs
Garudayana, an Indonesian comic successfully beating mangas in Japan