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Brilio.net/en - How many timeshaveyou asked to yourself,why people tend to hatemefor no reason?How many times have your friend and coworkers gotten annoyed with you for something you thought was logical? You have no idea where you crossed the line, or if you said anything wrong.
But you know, people can hate others for many reasons, and jealousy is the usual cause of most hate from individuals in most cases. Others just crave the attention from others, and because they are unhappy with something in their own life and feel the need to put other down in order to make themselves feel better, which is never okay.
If you feel somehow thats not the case, and people tend to stay away from you at parties and gatherings, or they tend to leave you behind, and youre sure that its not about something physical, like body odor or any other thing. Hereare at least two reasons (and theyre rather surprising).
Its not what you said. Its what you didnt
Why do people keep their distance? For those who aren't great with people (see, youre not alone!), they assume that silence is always gold. An introvert spends so much time wishing that other people would just shut up and give their companions a chance to speak. With your silence, you figure you're doing everyone a favor.
But that will, unfortunately, confuse people: do you hate being with them? The offended parties are assuming that you think youre sitting on your high house and they don't even worthy of a response and that your silence is a kind of play intended to let them know that. To sum it up, your silence confuses people, and it makes their moments with you feel awkward.
You withdraw yourself
Humans are sociable by nature, but we all need various dosages of social life. Extroverts need huge amounts of social interactions in their daily life, while introverts need just a drop of it, as they would be happier to spend their times by themselves, which is largely misunderstood by others as being anti-social. If the later is exactly similar to you, no wonder if you often feel left behind.
Just dig down deep into your memory: how often have you replied with a no for lunch invitations? Or maybe an after-office movie? If its the case, no wonder if they finally give up and stopped asking you. Once and for all, just try to say yes to an invitation.
But if being blunt, talkative and highly-social isnt your nature, just carry on with your style but make sure people dont get the wrong impression from you. Maybe you can smile more often, reply with a few more yes answers or share more personal stories. It doesnt hurt. Just dont try too hard. We have seen the worst type of hardcore people-pleaser and you dont want to be one of them.