Wax also helps keep the fruit moist and prevents damage, so the wine lasts longer. SEE MORE...
Instead of being given a flour solution, this is a trick to clear dirty cooking oil using 1 kitchen waste
Not lime, this is a trick for cleaning chicken so that it is maximally clean and free of fishy odors using 2 kitchen ingredients
Without needing to dry it in the sun, here's how to quickly get rid of ants from a jar of sugar using 1 kitchen spice
No need to soak in salt, this is an effective way to reduce saltiness in salted squid using 1 kitchen ingredient
Don't just wash it, this is an easy way to get rid of the unpleasant smell of yellow tofu before processing it
Without using vinegar, here's a trick to remove the wax coating on wine using just 2 kitchen ingredients
Don't use a knife, here's a trick for cleaning fish so the scales don't fall apart, relying on 1 simple tool
Without a smoke extractor, here's a trick for frying fish so that the kitchen doesn't smell fishy using 1 kitchen dregs
Instead of using lime juice, this is how to get rid of mucus and the fishy smell of catfish using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without lime, here's a trick to remove remaining blood from chicken meat so it's not fishy using 2 kitchen ingredients
No need for a knife, this is how to quickly peel garlic, just use 1 simple tool
No need to use ginger, here's how to clean cooking oil from burnt crust using 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of boiling it with tamarind, this is a way to get rid of the bitterness of bitter melon vegetables, just use 1 kitchen spice
Instead of being given a flour solution, this is a trick to clear dirty and crusty cooking oil, just add 1 tool
No need to boil, this chef has an effective way to reduce saltiness in salted squid using just 1 kitchen spice
Not many people know, this is how to wash chicken before cooking according to Islam
Instead of coating it in flour, this is how to clean grapes from layers of wax and pesticides using 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of soaking it in vinegar, this is a trick to clean the layers of wax and pesticide from grapes using 2 kitchen ingredients
Don't just wash it, here's a trick to remove formaldehyde from anchovies, just use 1 kitchen ingredient
Instead of using water to wash rice or lime, this is a trick for washing palm fruit so it doesn't become slimy and sour
No need to soak the rice in water, this is a trick so that the palm fruit isn't tough and smelly using 2 kitchen ingredients
Instead of sprinkling with flour, this is how to clean broken eggs on the floor so they don't smell fishy using 1 kitchen spice
Without adding lime, this is an easy trick to clean mucus and the sour taste of kolang kaling
No need for chili or vinegar, this is an effective way to get rid of rice lice using only 3 kitchen spices
It only takes 10 minutes, this is an effective way to reduce the salty taste of salted fish using just 1 kitchen spice
Instead of washing or marinating, this is how to get rid of the fishy smell of chicken using 1 type of spice
Without needing to knead the salt, this trick for mothers to stir-fry bitter melon makes the bitter taste disappear and nothing remains
Don't just peel it clean, this is a powerful trick so that the pineapple doesn't make your tongue and throat itchy
Without boiling it with clay, this woman's trick for getting rid of bitter papaya flowers is effective using 3 kitchen ingredients
Don't wash them with water, this is a trick for cleaning eggs so they are free of bacteria and remain hygienic when stored
Don't boil it first, this is a trick to remove tuna poison so it doesn't cause allergies or food poisoning
Instead of using lime, this is a way to remove mucus and the fishy smell of eels using 1 kitchen ingredient
Without covering it with salt or lime, this is how to get rid of the fishy smell and slime in catfish
Instead of tapioca flour, this is how to remove foam from cooking oil using 1 kitchen spice
It only takes 10 minutes, here's how to tenderize chicken feet so they melt and are anti-fish using 1 type of spice
No need to throw away the tail, here's a trick to remove poison from tuna using 1 kitchen spice
Without a microwave, this woman's trick for defrosting frozen fish takes just 5 minutes, just add 2 kitchen ingredients
There is no need to brush them one by one, this is a practical way to clean virgin clams from sand using 2 kitchen ingredients
This woman soaked jengkol for 3 days, the results amazed her and were interesting to imitate
Not mixed with flour, the way women clean the wax layer on grapes is just using 1 kitchen ingredient
Just 5 minutes, this woman has a safe trick for cleaning fish scales without knives or tools
Without soaking it in lime juice, this is a trick for cleaning squid so that the ink doesn't break and it doesn't smell fishy