foto: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

Also get to know tuna fish that are suitable for consumption.

  22 Februari 2024 10:00 - Tuna fish is often used as a side dish by mothers to eat with their family at home. This type of fish has a delicious taste and tender meat. Tuna fish is also suitable for processing into various delicious dishes, for example shredded tuna , balado tuna, tamarind soup tuna, etc.

However, many people avoid this fish because it is thought to easily cause allergies or food poisoning. Reporting from, an allergic reaction or food poisoning after eating cob is characterized by the appearance of itching on the skin, swelling in several areas of the body, shortness of breath, or even nausea and vomiting.

This can happen because tuna contains toxins that are dangerous for the human body. Usually, to remove the poison, people choose to boil the cobs or marinate them with salt first. However, unlike netizens on the Instagram account @dirumah.khawla, he said there were other tricks that were no less effective.

"I don't know why I get nervous when I eat tuna. My cousin's wife even had to be hospitalized because of tuna poisoning," he wrote in an Instagram post @dirumah.khawla, quoted by BrilioFood on Wednesday (21/2).

How to remove tuna fish poison.

So, the trick to eliminating poison from tuna fish can be started by breaking off the tail. After that, rotate the broken tail several times.

Don't boil it first, this is a trick to remove toxins  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

After spinning, then pull the tail until it comes off the fish. The tail of the tuna is known to contain a chemical called skombrotoxin which is poisonous. If so, the tuna can be weeded and washed thoroughly.

Don't boil it first, this is a trick to remove toxins  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

After washing it thoroughly, dry the tuna using kitchen tissue, then the fish is ready to be cooked into any dish you like. If you don't want to cook it straight away, tuna can also be stored in a dry jar, then placed in the refrigerator.

Later, when the tuna is ready to be cooked, don't forget to observe several parts of the fish. Tuna fish that are still fresh and suitable for consumption usually have red gills, clear eyes, and intact stomach walls.

Don't boil it first, this is a trick to remove toxins  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@dirumah.khawla

How about it, from now on you don't need to worry about allergies or food poisoning anymore because you already know the tricks for eliminating tuna fish poison, right? Taking a peek at the Instagram upload @dirumah.khawla, quite a few netizens also shared a number of experiences when they wanted to cook tuna, you know.

"Yes sis, that's what makes it itchy. There are various types of tuna, this one is called tuna lisong, it's in season and many are sold cheaply. So that you don't get poisoned or itchy, throw away the tail and the snout. I never buy this tuna, because I'm really afraid allergic, basically already allergic to seafood because ," wrote Instagram @amihandmade.

"I have tuna. The first time I bought it, when it was delivered I immediately put it in the freezer. There have been times when I haven't processed it for a month. Do you think it's still safe, bro? I'm a bit paranoid about that," asked Instagram @rizkyfajarmukti and the video owner answered, "Just when it was delivered "Is it still fresh, mom? If it's still fresh then store it in the freezer, God willing, it's safe, then mom can wash it in the afternoon and don't forget to check for signs of the fish's stomach walls, whether it's still intact or starting to get soft."

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A post shared by Ekawulanda (@dirumah.khawla)

The benefits of consuming tuna for the skin, make it moisturized and brighter.

It is common knowledge that tuna is good for heart, eye and brain health. But, this food is also beneficial for the skin, you know. The following are the benefits of consuming tuna for healthier skin:

1. Source of protein.

Protein is the main building material of skin. Eating tuna, which is rich in protein, helps strengthen skin tissue and promotes the regeneration of healthy skin cells.

2. Omega-3 fatty acids.

Tuna contains omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which have anti-inflammatory properties and help maintain skin moisture. Omega-3 also helps repair skin damage caused by exposure to sunlight and the environment.

3. Vitamin D

Tuna fish is a natural source of vitamin D, which is necessary for healthy skin. Vitamin D helps strengthen the skin's defenses against infection and inflammation and increases the production of collagen, a protein that keeps skin elastic and firm.

4. Antioxidants.

Tuna contains antioxidants such as selenium, which protects the skin from free radical damage and relieves inflammation.

5. Iron.

Tuna is also rich in iron, which helps increase blood flow to the skin. Increased blood flow brings nutrients and oxygen to skin cells, which is important for keeping skin healthy and radiant.

6. Collagen.

Tuna also contains collagen, a structural protein that is important for maintaining skin elasticity. Collagen helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines and improves skin elasticity.

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