foto: YouTube/Dwimonica kitchen

If it's not processed properly, you can still smell the fishy smell even though the chicken has been cooked with various spices, you know.

  11 Mei 2024 14:30 - Chicken meat is a source of protein that is often processed by Indonesian people. Apart from being easy to obtain, chicken can also be cooked into various delicious and appetizing dishes. Even compared to beef or goat, chicken is easier to process because it cooks quickly and becomes tender in a short time.

Before being processed into various dishes, chicken must be cleaned first. It's not enough just to rinse it with water, the chicken is also usually soaked in lime juice. The goal is so that the chicken doesn't smell fishy. After investigating, this fishy smell comes from the remaining blood contained in chicken meat. If it's not processed properly, you can still smell the fishy smell even though the chicken has been cooked with various spices, you know.

To get around this, you don't always have to use lime. You can rely on other kitchen ingredients, as YouTube user Dwimonica kitchen does. In his video upload, this netizen appears to have replaced lime with two other kitchen ingredients. Curious about how?

How to clean chicken so it doesn't smell fishy.

In the video, this netizen seems to want to process chicken wings. Because they were previously stored in the freezer, the chicken wings looked frozen and hardened. Knowing this, he immediately put the chicken wings into a large container.

wash the chicken clean using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/Dwimonica kitchen

After that, he immediately coated the wings with one kitchen ingredient, namely salt and lemon juice. After 2 tablespoons of salt were added, he also poured plain water into the container containing the chicken.

"This will let the ice water come out and then there will be red blood coming out," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Dwimonica kitchen on Saturday (11/5).

wash the chicken clean using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/Dwimonica kitchen

When the blood comes out, squeeze the chicken wings using your hands. Then throw away the soaking water and replace it with a new one. It doesn't stop there, he also adds lemon juice. Yes, so there are two kitchen ingredients used, namely salt and lemon. This soaking aims to completely eliminate the fishy smell from the chicken.

After soaking for a while, discard the soaking water. Rinse the chicken with running water then drain. Chicken can also be processed into various dishes without having to worry about the fishy smell.

wash the chicken clean using 2 kitchen ingredients  2024

photo: YouTube/Dwimonica kitchen

Is frozen chicken safe to eat?

Yes, frozen chicken is generally safe to eat if stored and distributed properly. Frozen chicken must be stored at a fairly low temperature, usually below 0 degrees Celsius, to prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella or E. coli. When cooking frozen chicken, be sure to ensure that it is cooked completely to a safe internal temperature to kill any bacteria that may be present.

However, it is also important to pay attention to the expiration date and quality of frozen chicken. If frozen chicken is past its expiration date or looks damaged, smells bad, or has other signs of damage, it should not be consumed.

Signs that frozen chicken is starting to go bad.

Signs that frozen chicken is starting to go bad or spoil can vary depending on how long and how it was stored. Some common signs that frozen chicken may no longer be safe to consume include the following:

1. Color change.

Fresh chicken has a pink or red-brown color. If the color turns gray, greenish, or yellowish, this could be a sign that the chicken has started to rot.

2. Unpleasant smell.

If frozen chicken starts to rot, it will usually give off an unpleasant or rotten odor. This smell could be a sign that there is unwanted bacterial growth.

3. Changed texture.

Good frozen chicken usually has a stiff and chewy texture. If the chicken feels soft, watery, or has any parts that feel soft, this could be a sign that the chicken has started to rot.

4. Excessive ice crystals.

If frozen chicken has been stored for too long or not stored properly, excessive ice crystals can form around the meat. While not always a sure sign that chicken has gone bad, excess ice crystals can reduce the quality of the meat.

If you see these signs on frozen chicken, it is better to throw it away and not consume it for safety reasons.

How to cut a whole chicken into 12 pieces.

Here's how to cut the chicken into 12 pieces:

1. Separate the wings.

Start by separating the two wings from the chicken's body using a sharp kitchen knife. Cut out the joint between the chicken's body and its wings.

2. Cut the wings.

Once the wings are separated, cut each wing into two pieces. You will have four parts, two top wings and two bottom wings.

3. Separate the legs.

Now, separate the chicken legs from the body. Place the chicken with its back facing you, then cut the joint between the thigh and body. You should have two thighs and two breasts.

4. Cut off the legs.

Cut each leg into two parts, namely the thigh and the lower leg, so that you have four leg pieces.

5. Cut the chest.

Cut the chicken breast into three pieces. You can do this by cutting the breast down the middle, then cutting each piece in half so you have three breast pieces.

With these steps, you will get a total of 12 parts from one chicken, namely:
- 2 upper wings
- 2 bottom wings
- 2 upper thighs
- 2 lower thighs
- 3 chest pieces

Make sure to use a sharp knife and be careful when cutting to get clean, neat cuts.
