Brilio.net - Eggs are foods that are vulnerable to breaking . Its fragile shell makes it easy to break if dropped. Therefore, eggs must be placed in the right place and carried carefully to keep them safe. Even so, there are always unexpected incidents that sometimes occur. For example, accidentally dropping an egg when you want to move it to another place. Well, eggs that fall on the floor will automatically break and scatter . Well, eggs that have broken and scattered usually tend not to be suitable for processing.
Apart from being unfit for consumption, broken eggs on the floor also tend to be difficult to clean. The liquid and thick texture makes the eggs too difficult to wipe with a cloth or pick up using bare hands. Not only that, the fishy smell is also a task in itself when you want to clean up the broken eggs on the floor.
Basically, you need a special trick to clean broken eggs on the floor. Some people usually use flour. So the broken eggs on the floor will be sprinkled with flour to make it easier to clean.
photo: TikTok/@umimaull
But apart from flour, you can also use other ingredients like TikTok user @umimaull did. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he used kitchen spices when he wanted to clean a broken egg on the floor. Well, this kitchen spice can make the fishy smell of eggs disappear automatically, you know.
How to clean broken eggs on the floor so they don't smell fishy.
Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @umimaull on Thursday (14/3), the kitchen spice in question is salt. To do this, simply sprinkle table salt over the entire surface of the egg liquid on the floor. Then let it sit for a few minutes until the eggs are absorbed and mixed with the salt.
photo: TikTok/@umimaull
If so, the eggs will be easier to collect and pick up by hand because their texture tends to be denser. So, after collecting it, take this lump of egg and salt with plastic. Then throw it in the trash.
photo: TikTok/@umimaull
Basically, the use of this salt has many functions. Apart from making eggs easy to clean, salt can also eliminate the fishy smell on the floor. Reporting from chemtech-us.com, salt has osmotic properties, it can draw water out of the microbial cells on the surface of food. Fishy odors are often caused by the activity of microorganisms that breed in food, including raw eggs. That way, the salt will help reduce or eliminate the fishy odor caused by this microbial activity.
Even so, you should still clean it again with soap and a mop if you want it to smell better and get rougher. If necessary, you can also add dish soap and salt to the cleaning fluid that will be used to mop the floor. Guaranteed to be cleaner, fragrant and rougher.
This post about how to clean up broken eggs on the floor has been viewed more than 102 thousand times. Who would have thought, many other TikTok users would be interested. In fact, quite a few people then responded directly in the comments column.
"If I use wheat flour, then knead it," said TikTok @nurcahya631.
"Just scoop it up with a spoon then wipe it, give it enough coffee for the fishy smell and then mop it," said TikTok @CathrinEmaaa__.
"When I wipe it off, I use Soklin," said TikTok @ikzirafla27.
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Benefits of eggs for body health.
Eggs are a food that is rich in nutrients and has many benefits for body health. Here are some important benefits of eggs:
1. Source of high quality protein.
Eggs contain high quality protein which is important for the growth and repair of body tissue.
2. Rich in nutrients.
Apart from protein, eggs also contain important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, riboflavin and selenium.
3. Maintain brain health.
Eggs contain choline, a nutrient that is important for brain function and healthy brain development, especially during development.
4. Maintain eye health.
Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that play a role in maintaining eye health and preventing age-related eye diseases.
5. Increases good cholesterol levels.
Although eggs contain cholesterol, they can also increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL), which can protect the heart.
6. Improves bone health.
The vitamin D in eggs can help with calcium absorption, which is important for bone health.
7. Maintain healthy skin and hair.
The nutrients in eggs can help maintain healthy skin and hair.
8. Provides energy.
Eggs are a good source of energy because they contain a balance of fat and protein.
9. Helps lose weight.
Consuming eggs as part of a healthy and balanced diet can help in a weight loss program because they can keep you feeling full for longer.