Plaque formation on teeth is caused by the accumulation of various substances, including bacteria, food residue, minerals, and sugars in the mouth. SEE MORE...
Want white teeth like bleaching & plaque gone? Here's the trick by using only 1 type of kitchen spice
This type of oil can whiten yellow teeth and overcome bad breath, here's how to use it
An effective trick to remove yellow stains on teeth is to rely on just one type of kitchen spice.
Just use this 1 spice ingredient, yellow stains on teeth can fade without baking soda.
A mixture of cloves and 1 type of fruit can fade yellow teeth, white in just 2 minutes
Tricks to remove stubborn tartar, effective, just rely on 1 food ingredient
How to whiten yellow and plaque-ridden teeth using one kitchen spice, visible results in 15 minutes
How to prevent yellow stains on teeth with natural ingredients without scaling
How to remove yellow plaque on teeth without whitening products, effectively rely on 1 type of flour
[QUIZ] Is it true that chewing gum can keep your teeth healthy? Check here to find out more
This mixture of two kitchen spices can get rid of bad breath, it's easy to make in just 5 minutes
This kitchen waste can whiten yellow crusty teeth, here's how to make and use it
This cooking ingredient can make yellow teeth turn white automatically, here's how to make and use it
No longer using whitening toothpaste, this doctor shares how to whiten teeth using only 1 type of oil
There is no need to buy whitening paste, this trick to overcome yellow crusted teeth only uses 2 types of fruit
No need for additional baking soda, this TikToker uploaded a trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients
The transformation of 8 singers before and after installing braces, Tiwi Eks T2's jaw shape became narrower
Without scaling, this YouTuber gets rid of yellow teeth using 2 kitchen ingredients
Not just lemon, this man shares how to treat yellow-looking teeth using one additional kitchen ingredient
Without bleaching, this way to overcome yellow teeth to return to bright white just use 3 kitchen ingredients
Not just salt, this TikToker shares how to whiten yellow-stained teeth using 2 additional kitchen ingredients
Without baking soda, this beauty vlogger shares how to get rid of yellow teeth using 1 type of vegetable
Without expensive bleaching, this trick to overcome yellow teeth using lemon mixed with 1 kitchen ingredient will make you white automatically
With capital of only IDR 10,000, this content creator shares tricks for removing yellow plaque on teeth using 1 type of fruit
Without salt, it removes black plaque stuck to the teeth so that it is automatically clean using 1 type of spice
There is no loss in 5 minutes, this is a trick to remove tartar using only 2 kitchen ingredients
Without mixing it with lemon juice, this is an easy trick to remove yellow stains from your teeth using just 1 kitchen ingredient
How to make your teeth bright white like bleaching using 1 type of kitchen spice, plaque will automatically clean without any residue
Instead of lemon and salt, this woman's trick for making teeth white and free of bad breath only uses 1 type of oil