
Many people rely on whitening toothpaste, it turns out there are natural ingredients to prevent teeth from changing color

  23 Juni 2024 06:00 - A beautiful and charming smile makes someone more attractive when greeting or communicating with the person they are talking to. Well, one of the keys to having a sweet smile is the appearance of white and clean teeth.

Although a smile with white teeth is very desirable. In fact, not everyone has white teeth, in fact most of them experience a change in color to yellow or brown. This can happen because of poor dental care habits.

The cause of yellow teeth is not just a lack of cleanliness, but there are other factors behind it. One of them is always regularly consuming foods and drinks that have dark colors, for example coffee, tea and soy sauce.

Another factor comes from bad habits such as smoking. You need to know that cigarettes contain nicotine in tobacco. Well, using tobacco for a long time causes nicotine to enter the pores. After exposure to oxygen, nicotine slowly changes color and makes teeth yellow.

To prevent teeth from changing color, usually many people rely on whitening toothpaste. But did you know? This whitening toothpaste contains detergent, namely sodium chloride sulfate.

This content is not dangerous for the body. However, when used, this whitening toothpaste creates foam. The effect makes the oral cavity dry.

According to Dr. Fuji, a medical doctor and hypnotherapist, was quoted from the TikTok account @dr.fuji.hypnotherapy, he explained that a dry oral cavity makes bacteria grow more. This is what makes your breath smell bad.

Because of this, Dr. Fuji is known not to use this product. Since then, the oral cavity area has become more moist.

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photo: TikTok/tukangservis_hati

Meanwhile, by uploading a video that is several minutes long, Dr. Fuji shares how to clean your mouth without toothpaste. He is known to only rely on pure coconut oil which is used in the morning.

"Coconut oil is processed by cold pressing, it is not exposed to heat. So it is extracted without heat and produces pure oil. It is rich in lauric acid and its properties do not make the mouth dry," he said.

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photo: TikTok/tukangservis_hati

How to use it is quite easy, as follows:

1. Prepare pure coconut oil and a spoon
2. Pour enough on a spoon
3. Put it in a spoon and gargle for 5 to 10 minutes4. Discard the mouthwash
5. Clean your tongue using a special brush. By using a tongue cleaning brush, all stuck-on dirt can be cleaned
6. Gargle again using water
7. Take a toothbrush that has been moistened with water
8. Sprinkle baking soda on your toothbrush
9. Use it to brush your teeth the right way
10. Rinse your mouth again with natural mouthwash,

How to make natural mouthwash

1. Prepare water
2. Add 3 drops of lemon essential oil, 3 drops of mint, and two drops of tea tree oil
3. Pour in the water and stir.

As additional information, you can use coconut oil at night to moisturize your lips. The method is to simply apply enough and leave it until the morning.

" Then it (lips) becomes glossy. So the lips are healthier and it's delicious and not sticky at all. It can also be used on small children because ingestion is not poisonous. So do it every day and once a year go to the dentist for scaling ," said Dr. Fuji.
