Teeth can also appear yellower or darker as a person ages.

  18 Juni 2024 11:26 - Changes in tooth color are usually not very obvious because the process occurs gradually. This changing tooth color is generally triggered by the bad habit of being lazy about brushing your teeth, smoking too often, consuming too much coffee or tea, as well as the buildup of plaque and tartar.

Teeth can also appear yellower or darker as a person ages. When the outer tooth enamel is eroded, the yellowish dentin - the second layer of calcified tissue under the enamel - becomes more clearly visible. And, if this problem is not resolved immediately, new problems such as bad breath will emerge.

One effort that can be made is by brushing your teeth twice a day and diligently undergoing treatment at the dentist. If your teeth are already yellow, you can use natural ingredients to try to restore a whiter color to your teeth.

Most people will use baking soda to whiten their teeth. Even though baking soda can cause a burning sensation when it touches the gums. Not only that, baking soda can also erode tooth enamel, and actually make teeth more sensitive.

TikToker's trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients from various sources

photo: TikTok/@elixirsecrets

Another solution, you can use other natural ingredients as shared by TikTok user @elixirsecrets. In the upload, the account owner used 3 natural ingredients, namely garlic, coffee grounds and olive oil. Here's how to make and use it, as reported by from the TikTok account @elixirsecrets, Tuesday (18/6).


TikToker's trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients from various sources

photo: TikTok/@elixirsecrets

- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 teaspoon of coffee powder
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon of toothpaste

How to create and use:

TikToker's trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients from various sources

photo: TikTok/@elixirsecrets

1. Peel the garlic then grate it until smooth.
2. Add coffee grounds, olive oil and toothpaste.
3. Stir the ingredients until they are evenly mixed and the texture is like paste.
4. Use to brush your teeth for 2 minutes.
5. Do it all the way between the teeth.
6. Rinse using water until clean.
7. Repeat this method regularly 3 times a week to get white teeth free of yellow stains.

Garlic contains to whiten teeth.

TikToker's trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients  2024


Quoted from Healthline, garlic contains the compound allicin with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Thanks to these compounds, garlic is believed to be able to kill germs in the teeth which cause yellow stains to appear on the teeth due to food residue that is still attached.

The benefits of coffee grounds for erasing yellow stains on the surface of teeth.

TikToker's trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients  2024 various sources


Coffee grounds have a rough texture so they can be used as a natural scrub to remove yellow stains on the surface of teeth. However, using coffee grounds as a tooth scrub must be done carefully so as not to damage tooth enamel. Brushing your teeth too often or too hard with this drink can cause abrasion to the tooth enamel and damage it.

Olive oil can maintain healthy teeth and mouth, and keep them free of yellow stains.

TikToker's trick to whiten yellow teeth using 3 natural ingredients  2024 various sources


Reporting from, a popular method known as "oil pulling" is usually done by gargling, using coconut oil or olive oil for a few minutes every day. Oil pulling is believed to help reduce dental plaque and improve gum health. It's not surprising that this natural oil can help keep teeth free from yellow stains.


Mix garlic with coffee for a beautiful white smile #whiteningteeth #whitesmile #homewhitening #naturalremedy #naturalrecipes

original sound - Elixir Secrets
