
If it is not treated immediately, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more, which can disrupt dental health.

  10 Juli 2024 11:10 - Many people are not aware that they are experiencing bad breath. This condition is generally caused by the habit of rarely brushing your teeth and lack of oral hygiene. Not only that, certain diseases such as gingivitis and digestive problems can also cause bad breath.

Quoted from the Healthline page, bad breath is generally caused by bacteria that grow because food remains that are not cleaned and get stuck between the teeth. The remaining food then releases foul-smelling sulfur compounds.

If it is not treated immediately, the bacteria that cause bad breath will multiply more and more, which can disrupt dental health . Not only that, the bacteria that continues to grow can also make the gums become infected and cause toothache and gum inflammation.

Therefore, regularly cleaning your teeth is very important to maintain oral health and hygiene. You only need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day every morning and evening before going to bed. You can also maximize oral care by using natural ingredients to prevent bad breath.

A mixture of two kitchen spices can eliminate bad breath from various sources

A mixture of two kitchen spices can get rid of bad breath

As shared by one TikTok user with the account name @bimzmarketplace, who uses a mixture of two kitchen spices to get rid of bad breath. The kitchen spices in question are cinnamon and cloves. Here's how to make it, it's simple and only takes 5 minutes, which was reported by from the TikTok account @bimzmarketplace, Wednesday (10/7).


- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 teaspoon cloves
- 1 cup of water

A mixture of two kitchen spices can eliminate bad breath from various sources

A mixture of two kitchen spices can get rid of bad breath

How to create and use:

1. Put the cinnamon and cloves in a heat-proof container
2. Add water then cook until the water boils
3. After the water boils and turns brown, turn off the stove and let it sit until it cools slightly
4. Strain the spice cooking water
5. Transfer it to a spray bottle to make it easier to use
6. Spray this natural breath freshener after brushing your teeth
7. Use this mouth freshener spray every day to get a fresh and odor-free mouth.

A mixture of two kitchen spices can eliminate bad breath from various sources

A mixture of two kitchen spices can get rid of bad breath

Cinnamon contains to overcome bad breath.

Cinnamon is one of the spices that is claimed to be able to prevent the formation of dental plaque, tartar, and prevent bad breath. This is thanks to the ingredients in it, such as tannin, eugenol, and coumarin. Thanks to these contents, cinnamon is beneficial for oral and dental health. Even its antibacterial properties can also treat canker sores and toothache, you know.

The benefits of cloves to freshen the mouth.

Cloves are antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial which can maintain oral and dental health. The antibacterial content in cloves will eradicate the bacteria that cause bad breath, so your breath will feel fresher. Its distinctive aroma can make your mouth naturally fresh. In fact, this kitchen spice can also strengthen gums and help remove plaque on the surface of the teeth.
