
The main cause of the appearance of black plaque is bad habits, such as smoking.

  26 Februari 2024 13:25 - Dental problems are not only related to yellow stains, you know. However, there is another problem that makes you feel less confident, namely the appearance of black plaque that sticks to your teeth.

The appearance of this black plaque does not only disturb your appearance. But it can also be a source of problems for your oral health. This is what makes you have to remove the black plaque stuck to your teeth.

Dental plaque is a black layer that covers the surface of the teeth. Usually formed due to the buildup of various substances, such as bacteria, food waste, mineral salts and sugar in the mouth. Meanwhile, the black color of plaque is caused by pigments produced by bacteria.

The main cause of black plaque is bad habits, such as smoking. You need to know, cigarettes contain chemicals that can change the color of your teeth to yellow and black over time.

Other factors, such as lack of dental hygiene, also play an important role. Teeth that are not cleaned regularly can cause plaque buildup. If this condition is not treated, it can cause cavities in the teeth .

The presence of black plaque on the teeth disturbs your appearance and reduces your self-confidence. It's not surprising that many people are looking for ways to remove black plaque.

There are several ways that can be done to overcome this problem. The first thing you need to do is clean your teeth regularly.

After that, reduce your consumption of sugar from food or drinks. Then, avoid other bad habits such as smoking. Not without reason, smoking can increase the risk of plaque formation on teeth.

If you have done all the methods above, the next trick is to compensate by treating your teeth and gums with natural ingredients. This time you don't need to use salt as the main ingredient. Instead, just use cloves and baking soda. These two ingredients have their respective benefits and contents.

Cloves have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which can help reduce inflammation and fight the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Not only that, cloves can also help freshen breath and relieve pain.

With the addition of baking soda, it becomes more effective at removing black plaque on teeth. This natural ingredient can also balance the acidity level in the mouth which can reduce tooth decay.

Meanwhile, the additional ingredient, namely essential oil, is able to kill bacteria because of its antibacterial content. The anti-inflammatory properties in this ingredient can relieve irritation.

Just by using these three ingredients, black plaque can fall off and make your teeth bright again. Interested in using a concoction of the ingredients above to remove black plaque stuck to your teeth? Come on, see the tutorial below.


remove black plaque stuck to teeth from various sources

photo: YouTube/@Cleaning Solutions

- 1 tablespoon cloves
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- Essential oils.

How to make:

remove black plaque stuck to teeth from various sources

photo: YouTube/@Cleaning Solutions

1. Put the cloves in a bowl
2. Puree by pounding until smooth
3. Pour baking soda into a bowl
4. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
5. Give a few drops of essential oil
6. Stir all the ingredients again
7. The ingredients are ready to be used.

How to use:

remove black plaque stuck to teeth from various sources

photo: YouTube/@Cleaning Solutions

1. Prepare the toothbrush that you usually use
2. Take the material and place it on the surface of the toothbrush
3. Use it to brush your teeth regularly.

Are cloves effective for removing black plaque on teeth?

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) are spices that have a long history of use in traditional and alternative medicine. Several studies have shown that cloves have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in oral care, including reducing black plaque on the teeth.

You need to know, the compounds in cloves, such as eugenol, have antimicrobial properties which can inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause plaque in the mouth. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties in cloves can overcome inflammation of the gums. It is also believed to reduce the risk of plaque formation.

Can cloves get rid of bad breath?

Apart from being used to remove black plaque from teeth, cloves are also believed to be able to overcome bad breath. As you know, cloves have a refreshing aroma. This is what helps reduce bad breath caused by bacteria in the mouth.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.