Azizah Salsha was born into a wealthy family. SEE MORE...
Tengku Dewi denies withdrawing divorce suit against Andrew Andika, insists on separating because of cheating
Pratama Arhan's birthday greeting from his mother goes viral along with the issue of Azizah's affair, causing a stir
Wife rumored to be cheating, peeking back at Pratama Arhan's statement desperately defending Azizah Salsha
After the issue of being separated from the wife giving birth, here are 7 moments of the birth of Nadya Mustika's second child
7 Tengku Dewi and Andrew Andika's domestic drama, they used to be separated, now the divorce suit has been withdrawn
Ayu Dewi is now reluctant to check her husband's cellphone contents even though she knows the password, apparently this is the reason
Speaking out after her domestic violence case went viral, Cut Intan said she wanted the case to continue
Edward Akbar rejects her lawsuit, this is the reason Kimberly Ryder only asked for Rp. 5,000 in maintenance
Viral old video of Armor Toreador reveals he is a gentleman who dares to marry, his comments are annoying
Joining in on Cut Intan Nabila's domestic violence case, Pandawara, an environmental care community, made a sharp criticism
Not only Ayu Dewi, these 6 celebrities also had relationships with school friends, their old photos are amazing
Having escaped, Armor Toreador Cut Intan Nabila's husband was arrested at a hotel in the Jaksel area
Faithfully accompanying her sick husband, Fairuz promises not to remarry if Sonny Septian dies
Former fencing athlete reveals CCTV footage of domestic violence victim, reveals being beaten and kicked
Remember Nora 'Dilema' the 90s era singer? Her family is on edge, her husband asks for a divorce without reason
The moment Desta joined journalists when Andre Taulany talked about divorce made me laugh out loud
Andre Taulany said separating was the best decision, here are 5 facts about the comedian's divorce
Denying the existence of domestic violence, Andika Rosadi revealed the reason why Nisya Ahmad was sued for divorce
An 18 year old household is in danger of breaking up, this is the reason why Andre Taulany divorced Rien Wartia Trigina
One family sleeps in one room, this is how Erin and Andre Taulany's old house looks like
Praz Teguh's story about how sad his wife is on work permission to help the family economically, netizens alluded to Ari Wibowo
Admitting that her daughter's marriage is sad, this is Amy Qanita's hope for Nisya Ahmad and Andika Rosadi
The left steering wheel has gone smoothly, 9 moments Cindy Fatikasari invites her husband home from work as a blacksmith
Previously blocking her husband's contact, now Tengku Dewi has reestablished communication with Andrew Andika after giving birth
15 years married and now divorced, take a peek at 9 old portraits of Nisya Ahmad and Andika Rosadi at the beginning of their marriage
Sued for divorce, Heri Horeh said he was often dumped by Riyuka Bunga, feeling like he was just a content friend
The household looks cool and peaceful, these 9 celebrities divorced after a dozen years of marriage
Previously married at the age of 19, now suing for divorce, these are 11 love journeys of Nisya Ahmad and Andika Rosadi
9 At the birth of Tengku Dewi's second child, Andrew Andika's presence allegedly signaled a return
As a result of his car being allegedly embezzled by Edward Akbar, this is the fate of Kimberly Ryder's child and now he has to take a public transportation
It's only been a year since they said their goodbyes, here are 11 memorable portraits of Aprilio Manganang and his wife
Finally opening her voice, Kimberly Ryder admitted that she was experiencing difficult times in the midst of the divorce process
Sued for divorce after being caught cheating, Heri Horeh expressed regret about marrying Riyuka Bunga
Died at the age of 22, Jennifer Coppen's husband died in a motorbike accident in Bali
Shedding tears saying that she will work hard to earn a living, this is Kimberly Ryder's message to her two children
11 Portrait of Kimberly Ryder and Edward Akbar's new residence, the bathroom was flooded
Now Edward Akbar is suing for divorce, Kimberly Ryder's old saying about living without a husband makes you emotional
Not wanting to replace Rina Gunawan, Anne Kurniasih's expression of feeling like she was queened by Teddy Syach was touching
Fighting for custody of his only child, Aditya Zoni will file a counterclaim against Yasmine Ow
Facing the divorce process after being sued by Ruben Onsu, Sarwendah chose to focus on doing this for the sake of her children
Apart from filing for divorce, Kimberly Ryder also reported her husband about alleged car embezzlement
Accused of threatening Riyuka Bunga to make an apology video, this is Heri Horeh's defense
It is said that he has not supported Juliette Angela since she got married, this is Sexy Goath's defense
Saying she received divorce papers during the concert, Rossa revealed the reason for separating from Yoyo Padi
Called an umbar of family disgrace after her sister filed for divorce from Edward Akbar, Natasha Ryder opened her voice
Calling each other about children's cars, this is the point of Okie Agustina's peace offering to Gunawan Dwi Cahyo
Taking the opportunity to reveal her husband's character, Kimberly Ryder revealed 3 secrets that make a marriage last