Cut Intan admitted that she had been treated badly by her husband many times. But all this time she still endured for the sake of her children.

  13 Agustus 2024 15:45 - Former fencing athlete, Cut Intan Nabila, shocked the public through a video she recently shared on her Instagram account. In the CCTV video recording , Cut Intan was shown being subjected to violence by her husband, Armor Toreador.

Initially, there was an argument between Armor and Cut Intan on the bed. After getting into an argument, her husband suddenly hit, kicked, and even strangled Intan Nabila. Armor Toreador even kicked their baby lying on the same bed.

Former fencer reveals CCTV footage of domestic violence  instagram

Former fencer reveals CCTV footage of domestic violence

Even though Intan had screamed, her husband still beat her mercilessly. Intan Nabila admitted that this was not the first time she had experienced domestic violence (KDRT). During her 5 years of marriage, she said that she had experienced domestic violence many times from the man who works as the CEO of Sekolah Cukur.

"All this time I have endured because of my child, this is not the first time I have experienced domestic violence, there are dozens of other videos that I have kept as evidence, I have been married for 5 years, many women's names have colored my household, some are even my friends," said Cut Intan Nabila, as reported on Tuesday (13/8).

In addition to violence, Armor is also said to have had a relationship with another woman. So far, Intan Nabila has forgiven Armor's actions. However, her husband made the same mistake again.

Former fencer reveals CCTV footage of domestic violence  instagram

Former fencer reveals CCTV footage of domestic violence

"I have forgiven him many times, but his heart has never opened, it turns out it's true, infidelity and domestic violence will never change," added Cut Intan.

Unable to stand her husband's behavior of domestic violence and infidelity, Intan Nabila decided to reveal it to the public. The mother of three said she could no longer bear the pain alone.

"Forgive me if I have closed myself off, created some offensive content, I alone have never exposed the shame of my household, I maintain its dignity, today I can no longer hold it all in by myself," he concluded.

The figure of Cut Intan Nabila herself is known as a fencer who has a face similar to artist Shireen Sungkar. After marrying Armor Toreador, the athlete from Aceh is no longer involved in the world of sports. She chose to be a housewife taking care of her three children.
