Aditya Zoni said he really wants to get custody of his children because he currently has no one.

  17 Juli 2024 19:21 - Aditya Zoni is still undergoing divorce proceedings with Yasmine Ow at the Cibinong Religious Court. The divorce trial was held on Tuesday (16/7). However, this couple did not attend the trial which had a second mediation agenda.

Regarding the progress of the trial, Yasmine Ow's attorney, Machi Ahmad, revealed that there was no common ground regarding child custody in the first mediation.

"In fact, both of them have signed the results of the mediation. There is no common ground. It's just a matter of child custody, yes, because in the lawsuit, you are applying for child custody," said Machi at the Cibinong Religious Court.

Meanwhile, Aditya reportedly wants to file a reconvention or counterclaim against his wife. This is related to the issue of custody which was previously raised in Yasmine Ow's divorce lawsuit .

Aditya Zoni will file a counterclaim  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@real_aditya1

The counterclaim plan was conveyed directly through Aditya's attorney, Abdullah Emile. He revealed that he had submitted a counterclaim or counterclaim regarding child custody to the panel of judges.

"We have spoken to the panel of judges, it is possible that we will propose a reconciliation regarding child custody," said Abdullah Emile, quoted from

Emile was reluctant to reveal Aditya Zoni's reasons for proposing a reconvention. He also denied that his client wanted to file for reconvention because he was worried that Yasmine would take the child to her hometown in Malaysia.

"The reason cannot be stated here. We cannot mention the strongest reason. It's not because of fear," said Emile.

Aditya Zoni will file a counterclaim  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@real_aditya1

However, Ammar Zoni's younger brother revealed that he really wants to get custody of his children because he currently has no one. He also touched on the position of his older brother who was convicted of drug abuse.

"Because that's all I have now, I don't have anyone anymore, my father is gone, my mother isn't there, my brother is in prison, so I don't have anyone anymore apart from my child," said Aditya.

"I now live alone, so I really hope I can get custody of Zayn, at least my life will be colorful again," he concluded

If there is no agreement regarding child custody between Yasmine and Aditya, legal action will have to be taken. So at the next trial, Aditya Zoni's party will propose a reconvention.

Therefore, Aditya's attorney hopes that an agreement will be reached outside the court so that his party does not need to submit a reconvention. Emile believes that the situation will change if the reconciliation is proposed.
