Desta's presence among the crowd of journalists made a number of people lose their focus.

  8 Agustus 2024 22:15 - The marital relationship between Andre Taulany and his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina, is currently on the edge. The former Stinky vocalist has been suing his wife since April 4. The lawsuit was confirmed by the Public Relations Officer of the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Ummi Azma.

After the news circulated, Andre Taulany became a hot topic of conversation. Finally he held a press conference to explain the divorce process with his wife. In the press conference which lasted 20 minutes, Andre appeared relaxed.

Desta joined Andre Taulany from various sources

Desta joins Andre Taulany

In fact, he conveyed the news in a relaxed way and occasionally joked. Interestingly, apart from Andre, at this moment Desta was also highlighted. Instead of appearing with Andre in front of the screen, Desta was actually seen standing among the crowd of journalists and protecting her friend.

While smoking an electronic cigarette, he seemed focused on listening to Andre talk about his divorce process. Not a few people laughed at Desta's behavior. One of the cameras actually focused on Desta, not Andre.

When Andre made a joke, Desta also reacted by laughing. Even though quite a few people pay attention to it, there are also those who call for just ignoring it. The reason is, netizens say that Desta is currently paying attention to her friend who is also going to become a widower.

In the video, netizens flocked to say that Desta would say 'welcome' to Andre. He was called the successful team of the divorce. The reason is, if Andre really gets divorced, the number of Indonesian comedians who are widowers will also increase.

Desta joined Andre Taulany from various sources

Desta joins Andre Taulany

"Desta: Finally added my friend," said the account @nia

"Desta: welcome to the club ji" wrote the account @moniqquu.

Apart from that, netizens also advised Andre to join the motorcycle gang 'The Dudas Minus One'. This is because the gang consists of several artists who are widowers, such as Gading Marten, Desta, and Ariel Noah.

Desta joined Andre Taulany from various sources

Desta joins Andre Taulany

Previously, Andre had also expressed his desire to join The Dudas Minus One. Andre thinks the motorbike gang is a cool gang.

"For The Dudas Minus One, yes, Desta, Raffi, Gading, and Ariel. You were really cool yesterday, but it wouldn't be complete without me. So The Dudas Minus Two," said Andre Taulany in the Rans Entertainment TikTok video uploaded on June 6 Then.
