
Without going through a troublesome process.

  31 Juli 2024 12:00

Tofu is known as a food containing high nutrition. Reporting from, tofu has high protein, lots of vitamins and important minerals which are good for the body. It's not surprising that many people choose tofu to serve a healthy meal menu.

But not only is it high in nutrition, tofu is also suitable for cooking into various menus. Because of its neutral taste, tofu can absorb the flavors of spices and other ingredients well, making it a versatile basic ingredient in cooking. Another advantage is that tofu is an affordable and easy to find food ingredient.

However, there is one drawback to this menu food, namely when it is stored. Tofu that is not stored properly can quickly rot, become slimy and sour. To prevent tofu from rotting quickly, some people usually store it by soaking it in water.

After investigating, soaking tofu is thought to make it last longer. But on the other hand, the soaking water must be changed every day if you want it to last longer for days. For some people, this process tends to be troublesome.

Instead, you can copy the tofu saving trick that Instagram user @vira.ea does. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he did not soak the tofu in water. There are other methods that are more practical and effective in making tofu last longer for up to 1 week.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @vira.ea on Wednesday (31/7), the method used is to use ziplock plastic. However, before storing it in plastic, this tofu must be washed first.


The method is quite easy. As soon as you buy it, you can immediately throw away the tofu soaking water. Then rinse the tofu under running water until clean. If so, drain until most of the water is completely gone.

