foto: TikTok/@azis_mc

Generally, long beans only last 2 to 3 days.

  24 Juli 2024 15:00

Long beans are often the choice of vegetable to cook at home. Just like other vegetables, long beans are also rich in fiber, so they can help control weight because their high fiber content helps increase feelings of fullness. You can make it into a soupy dish or stir-fry.

Fans of long beans certainly know that this food ingredient doesn't last long when stored as stock in the kitchen. The reason is, long beans can quickly wilt and wrinkle, then slowly this vegetable becomes moldy. However, if stored properly, long beans can last for days, you know.

One of the users of the TikTok account @azis_mc, shared tricks for storing long beans so they last longer. In his upload, the trick he applied can make long beans last up to 10 days. The method is enough to add one simple tool.

Lasts up to 10 days, this is a trick for storing long beans  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@azis_mc

"The longest these long beans last is 2 to 3 days and they immediately shrivel if they are not treated properly," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @azis_mc on Wednesday (24/7).

