It is now known that Olivia Allan is entering her 9th month of pregnancy.

  24 Juli 2024 13:25

Currently happiness is being felt by the couple Denny Sumargo or usually called Densu and Olivia Allan. Soon the couple who married in November 2020 will welcome the birth of their first child.

Even so, Densu and his wife's struggle to have children is not easy. After four years of marriage, this 37 year old woman has experienced three miscarriages. In order to have children, Olivia Allan chose to undergo an IVF program.

It is now known that Olivia Allan is entering her 9th month of pregnancy. Like pregnant women in general, Olivia also suddenly experienced changes in her body, including her legs becoming swollen. Suddenly his appearance made netizens focus wrong.

"That is the sacrifice of a mother who is willing to change her body shape in order to conceive a child," said @uuzh.assyfa

"What's it swollen from?" asked @aulinvk7

"Excessive swelling of olive liver could be a sign of pre-eclampsia, sudden high blood pressure that occurs in pregnant women," said @rineu_hana

"But it's too swollen, isn't it?" chimed in @ratih_enjie

So what does Denny Sumargo's wife Olivia look like when she is pregnant with her first child? The following is the portrait that has summarized from Instagram @oliviasumargo, Wednesday (24/7).
