
If it is already broken, the appearance and texture of the dish will become less attractive.

  8 Agustus 2024 21:00

Coconut milk is the main component in many traditional dishes such as rendang, opor ayam, and soto. With its savory taste and soft texture, coconut milk gives dishes a distinctive and creamy taste. Not only savory dishes, desserts or traditional snacks also become more delicious if mixed with coconut milk .

Even though it is an important component in cooking, not everyone can use coconut milk well. This is because the coconut milk used usually needs to be cooked first. Well, cooking coconut milk is often a challenge because it breaks easily.

Coconut milk breaks down when the fat separates from the liquid, causing the appearance and texture of the dish to become less attractive. This usually occurs because the temperature is too high or heating for too long. Therefore, it is important to cook coconut milk carefully.

However, if it is already broken, the coconut milk must be repaired immediately. A number of people usually stir coconut milk for a long time. Apart from that, there are also those who choose to add a piece of banana leaf to blend the coconut milk back together.

Apart from these methods, there are other methods that can be used to repair broken coconut milk. An Instagram user @yenni_indah31 once revealed the trick further through one of the uploaded videos. He admits that he doesn't use banana leaves, but there is another tool that is no less effective in repairing broken coconut milk.

