foto: YouTube/BCTC

The food ingredients are not difficult to find. Rendang can be enjoyed as it should be.

  20 Juni 2024 21:00 - Rendang is a food menu that is liked by many people. How could it not be, rendang is made with various kinds of spices which make the taste kick on the tongue. Apart from that, the long cooking process makes the meat soft and tender. The spices used also penetrate deep inside.

Now, there are many rendang recipes circulating on social media that you can copy. Although in some cases, many people find that the design results do not match expectations. One of them is caused by adding excess salt, which then makes the rendang taste too salty.

Indeed, quite a few people don't know the technique of cooking rendang. Because rendang is initially cooked with a lot of coconut milk, some people then add salt until the salty taste can really be felt. Then when the coconut milk runs out (because it is cooked dry), the salty taste will become even more intense.

So to overcome this problem, some people sometimes add water to cooked rendang. Then there are also those who add potato pieces. After investigating, potatoes are considered to be able to absorb excess salt in cooking, so the taste will be more suitable.

However, in some cases, adding potatoes alone is not enough to reduce the salty taste of rendang. As a result, a number of people use other techniques, such as YouTube user BCTC. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only added one food ingredient to overcome the saltiness of his rendang.

Easy steps to overcome salty rendang so that it is delicious to eat.

effective tricks for dealing with salty rendang  YouTube

photo: YouTube/BCTC

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube BCTC on Thursday (20/6), the food ingredient in question is coconut milk. However, the coconut milk used must be mature. This aims to ensure that the rendang doesn't get stale quickly and the taste doesn't change.

How to use it, just prepare liquid coconut milk first. The dosage can be adjusted according to the level of saltiness and portion of rendang. After that, cook the coconut milk in another pan. Don't forget to stir the coconut milk so it doesn't break.

effective tricks for dealing with salty rendang  YouTube

photo: YouTube/BCTC

Then, when the coconut milk is completely cooked, pour it straight away and transfer it to the pan containing the rendang. Do this process while the coconut milk is still hot. After that, turn on the stove and stir the rendang until it is completely mixed evenly.

At this stage, you don't need to cook it for too long. If it takes too long, the stove fire will cause the coconut milk to shrink again, so the rendang will still taste salty. In fact, the addition of coconut milk is intended to reduce the salty taste of the rendang. However, there is no need to worry that the rendang will go stale quickly because the coconut milk used is already mature.

effective tricks for dealing with salty rendang  YouTube

photo: YouTube/BCTC

So, if you have given coconut milk, you can immediately serve the rendang. Guaranteed the salty taste has been reduced, so it will be more delicious when eaten. Apart from that, the taste of other spices also remains perfect and doesn't change, you know.

This post about tricks for dealing with salty rendang has been viewed more than 6,000 times on YouTube. It's not surprising that many people are interested and also provide responses. In the comments column, a number of people expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.
