
Do this regularly to keep the hose free from moss and dirt.

  16 September 2024 14:00

The dispenser hose is an important component in the drinking water supply system that is often neglected in its maintenance. In fact, the cleanliness of the dispenser hose greatly determines the quality of the water consumed. Many people simply ignore it and do not let the dispenser hose get dirty.

One of the problems often faced by dispenser users is the growth of moss in the hose. This moss not only disrupts water flow, but can also cause unpleasant odors and potentially cause health problems.

Generally, moss grows in dispenser hoses due to humid environmental conditions and minimal air circulation. Hoses made of plastic or rubber tend to be ideal places for the growth of microorganisms, including moss. Moreover, the water flowing through the hose often contains organic particles, which can be nutrients for moss.

If not cleaned regularly, moss will continue to grow and accumulate, thus disrupting the function of the dispenser and the quality of the water produced. Not only that, moss that grows in the dispenser hose also causes damage to the device. Hoses clogged with moss will inhibit the flow of water, making the dispenser work harder and increasing the risk of mechanical damage.

Therefore, it is important to clean and maintain the hose regularly. This hose maintenance is not always done by scrubbing it with a brush, you know. You can easily clean a mossy dispenser hose using other tools. An Instagram user @ruma.haqiqi once shared the use of this simple tool to clean a mossy dispenser hose.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ruma.haqiqi on Monday (16/9), the tool in question is an iron spoon. So, this spoon is used as a cleaner that can remove moss from the dispenser hose. However, so that the moss can fall off easily, this hose must be soaked first.


To be more precise, first remove the hose from the dispenser. After that, place it in a large basin or bowl. Once done, pour enough hot water until the dispenser hose is completely submerged.

