Instagram @resep_inspirasi_debm

The trick shared is very simple, doesn't require a lot of additional ingredients. You can practice it easily.

  2 Juni 2024 08:30 - Fried onions are often found in various dishes. Usually, fried onions are used as a topping in every Indonesian dish, such as kupat, soto, rawon, fried rice, and many more. The crunchy texture and delicious taste make fried onions suitable for sprinkling on food. In fact, quite a few people like to eat hot rice with fried onions, you know.

There are also people who make fried onions as a snack. Due to the high interest in fried onions, a number of people have turned this into a business. As a result, this business sells well, plus a variety of flavors, including BBQ-flavored fried onions, balado, roast beef, and many more.

There are 2 types of fried goods. The first is from luxurious onions, the second is from garlic. In terms of texture, the two have differences, you know.

Fried shallots tend to have a thin, layered and crunchy texture. Apart from that, it also has a savory and slightly sweet taste. So, fried shallots are suitable to be eaten with fried rice, fried noodles or even as a snack.

Different from fried white garlic, fried garlic has a slightly harder texture, but is still crunchy. In terms of taste, fried garlic has a savory and slightly bitter taste. This makes fried garlic less suitable as a snack. However, fried garlic is suitable to be eaten with soupy dishes such as soup or soto.

Delicious fried onions are usually characterized by their texture being crispy and not burnt. Fried onions are a food ingredient that is sought after by various groups. Apart from that, fried onions are also easy to find in markets or supermarkets.

Yes, instead of making it themselves, most people choose to buy fried onions at markets, supermarkets and online stores. Not without reason, cooking fried onions is indeed a difficult and easy job.

If you are not careful, the results will not match expectations. For example, it burns, or the texture is soft so it doesn't last long.

So, to overcome this, most people usually use a trick by adding flour. Coating sliced onions is claimed to produce crispy fried onions. Apart from that, frying onions in a lot of oil is also thought to make the onions crispy.

It turns out, there is another trick to produce crispy fried onions without adding flour, you know. The Instagram account @resep_inspirasi_debm shared these tips, resulting in anti-wilting fried onions.

"Tips to keep fried onions crispy for a month without flour," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from @resep_inspirasi_debm, Friday (31/5).

photo 1: Instagram @resep_inspirasi_debm

Straight away, let's see the trick:

First, you prepare the shallots that you will fry. Make sure the shallots are fresh. Then slice the red onion thinly. After that, prepare a container and soak the shallots for a while. Also add 3 drops of table vinegar to the container.

photo 1: Instagram @resep_inspirasi_debm

The next step, you need to drain the shallots in the water bath until they are quite dry. You can use the method of moving the shallot container.

photo 2: Instagram @resep_inspirasi_debm

Once it feels dry enough, sprinkle the shallots with a little salt. Yes, make sure the salt you sprinkle on the shallots is even and doesn't pile up in one part.

photo 3: Instagram @resep_inspirasi_debm

Then, heat the oil on the stove, and fry until yellowish in color. When frying, you can also stir it so that it cooks evenly. If it has changed color, immediately remove the onions that you fried.

photo 4: Instagram @resep_inspirasi_debm

Once cooked, immediately drain the fried onions. Then, prepare a container or tray and cover it with tissue. Then place the fried onions on top of the container. Once dry, store it in a jar and be ready to consume at any time.

The account owner said that this method can make fried onions that last up to 1 month, you know. How about it, interested in trying it?
