YouTube/Gowthami Foods

Indeed, basically, brass is a metal that is heat resistant and is not easily damaged even if exposed to continuous fire.

  1 Juni 2024 13:30 - Stove burners are one of the important components responsible for producing fire or heat for cooking.

Not only gas stoves, burners can also be found in other types of stoves, such as electric or induction stoves. However, whatever the type, stove burners usually have a similar shape and the same material, namely brass metal.

Indeed, basically, brass is a metal that is heat resistant and is not easily damaged even if exposed to continuous fire . Even so, stove burners made of brass can still be dirty and crusty, you know. Exposure to fire, dust and dirt can cause stains to stick to the burner which can hinder the flow of gas, so that the resulting fire is less than optimal.

So, to return its appearance to yellow again, some people usually soak the burner in water mixed with citrus. After all, citrus can make the burner shine again. However, if you have difficulty getting citrus powder, there are other ingredients that are more practical and no less effective for removing black scale on stove burners.

A YouTube user Gowthami Foods once explained more about this ingredient. As reported by BrilioFood on Saturday (1/6), there are three kitchen ingredients used to clean black crusty stove burners.

How to clean black crusty stove burners so they turn yellow like new.

So, the ingredients used to clean stove burners are baking soda, vinegar and lemon.

how to clean stove burners so they turn yellow again  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Gowthami Foods

How to use it, prepare a container first. After that, pour water then insert the burner until it is submerged. If so, pour in 2-3 cups (small glass) of vinegar. Also add 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Next, stir and let all the ingredients react (create foam). If so, soak the burner in the liquid for approximately 3 hours. Then lift and rub the burners one by one.

how to clean stove burners so they turn yellow again  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Gowthami Foods

In the video, he uses lemon peel (already squeezed) to scrub the black stove burner. For maximum results, pour a little baking soda onto the surface of the lemon peel and use it to scrub the burner. Do this process until all the black crust on the burner is gone.

how to clean stove burners so they turn yellow again  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Gowthami Foods

If it has faded, rub it again using wire wool and dish soap. After that, rinse until the stove burner is completely clean. Don't forget to dry it first before you are ready to put it back on the stove. Well, the burner that has been cleaned becomes shinier and the color returns to yellow like new.

how to clean stove burners so they turn yellow again  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Gowthami Foods

Viewed more than 174 thousand times, this video about how to clean stove burners has attracted many netizens. In fact, quite a few other YouTube users also provided direct responses in the comments column. Most of them expressed their gratitude for getting useful new tips.
